First timer

That's where I got mine.My son loves chickens so I scrounged up enough stuff to build a cooop and run and bought us a few.
I'm still planning and scrounging up stuff atm I couldn't wait any longer for the chicks though. right now I have two windows 5x5 that don't open like 16 sheets of plywood 3/4 3x3 1/2. was bins from work bought for 12 bucks. Looking for windows that open and roofing stuff know I'm going to have to buy the studs and 4x4's for floor. I think my favorite bird we have atm is my wife's it's a little grey one probably no bigger than my thumb.
Just make sure the little guy isn;t bulldoozed out of the way at feed times. You need to make sure that one gets a fare share. Sometimes the wee ones don't get enough if the bigger ones are food aggressive. A good trick is to put feed in two or three different places and then they have a better chance! Also good to put things in that they can hide behind too as sometimes little ones get a rough ride fromt he stronger ones.

Congrats! I'm also new to this, I bought my chicks one week ago (barred rock, black Australorp, Red Star, light brahma, EE) so far so good. I have them inside a large brooder box my hubby built. I did a great deal of research on the breeds and their personalities so that I would lessen the chances of any issues. The only chick I hadn't counted on getting was the Red Star (was trying to get Buff Orpington but they were out) I know it's smaller breed so I hope she'll be ok.
Just make sure the little guy isn;t bulldoozed out of the way at feed times. You need to make sure that one gets a fare share. Sometimes the wee ones don't get enough if the bigger ones are food aggressive. A good trick is to put feed in two or three different places and then they have a better chance! Also good to put things in that they can hide behind too as sometimes little ones get a rough ride fromt he stronger ones.



That little one runs the place I think. He runs where ever the two silkies are pecking and starts. I think it might be a roo with how he ownes the place. He's also fast goes over and under the mini perch I have in there. I don't know how he does it the bar is neck high on him, then one sec he's there next sec he's on other side no jumping wing flapping. I think I'm going to sign him up for the hurtles for the us Olympic team lol. By far my favorite then again who can't root for the little guy.
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We are getting a new batch of chicks on Monday. If the chicks aren't doing good electrolytes (save a chick) works awesome
. It save our hurt chickens multiple time including when a raccoon got our hen Puff and ripped the front of her opened. You could see the bone and she wasn't eating and barely drinking. After we gave her the save a chick she started eating and drinking very well and after awhile she started to lay eggs again
. You can get it at your local feed store for 50 cents. Also make sure that the chicks have most of there feathers before you put them outside at night or in with other chickens. We have had bad experiences with putting chickens outside when there not old enough
We recently purchased our 6 chicks from TSC, 4 RIR, 1 Leghorn, 1 Brahma something...cant remember the rest at this moment. Hubby and son went to another feed store (locally owned) to get the watering dish we forgot and came home with a Barred Rock. 7 babies I have been taking care of for a week now. While they were at the local feed store one of the employees said her grandfather has too many chickens to care for and was giving away some of his RIR layers. Next day we picked up 2 grown chickens and have them already installed in their coop. We were getting one egg per day until the temp dropped 2 days ago and now no eggs. This is my first time with chickens and I have to tell you after a week I am definitely hooked! We are keeping ours indoors in a rabbit hutch and they have been outside during the day twice now - just take the wire top of the hutch off and put on grass for them. There have been quite a few 'vultures' (not sure what they really are) around lately so I want to make sure they are safe while outdoors. Although I can pass hours watching them. The big girls have started cooing at me when I go out to talk to them and check their supplies. I pull up a rock and sit and hand feed them grass/weeds while I talk to them. We have named one of the girls (the friendlier of the two) Billy. We have named one chick Nosy Rosy because one of the reds always pops her head up to greet whoever walks in the room and will actually stare at the tv at times. We have Dumplin - not sure if it is a roo or not so if it turns out to be a he, he gets made into chicken and dumplins first - Blackie Chan, and Big 'Un so far...others will be named as we learn their personalities and see what is appropriate for each one. I have absorbed information from here from several weeks before we purchased and will continue to do so - am extremely glad for such knowledgeable and helpful topics. Our first fresh egg was out of this world tasty. Will eventually let the girls roam in the yard much of the day but since they are new and babes we want to make sure they know where home is now.

that would be Nosy Rosy looking right at the camera!

the big girls in their new coop
I love chickens! My pet chicken Coffee Bean (my profile picture) is so cute! He fallows you around and if you hold him for awhile he will fall asleep in your arms
We have had trouble in the past with ravens flying in and eating all of the chicken food. If you are having trouble with hawks, crows, ravens, ext. Put a couple strands of clear string (I prefer fishing line because it doesn't break as easily) across the area that you don't want them getting into. They won't try to fly down where the line is because they can't see it that well and are afraid to get caught in it. It has worked very well for us
. It is probable a good idea to put it up before something tries to get in to avoid something bad from happening
My run will be Six feet tall with chicken wire on top.We live in a big open field so the hawks are everywhere here.The gophers are plentiful I figure that's why we have so many hawks.So I decided to fix that issue before it starts.

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