First try incubating

Sorry it's still blurry, this is how it looks at 4 weeks. It has small brown stripes on the head, the feathers coming in are pretty white.
Stripes on head mean she'll have dots. She looks like a buff, so buff dundotte ("buff with dots"). She's going to be a beautiful bird.
A white bird wouldn't have the brown stripes. It would have at best a minute scattering of black hairs on it's head. She's creamy colored, in between white and tan.
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In case anyone is curious, after some research I am fairly sure that the light brown ones are actually lavender. The white one is actually going to stay mostly white, can't wait to see how they look!
Oh cool thank you! I've been scouring breeder websites and just found keet pictures that looked very similar. The whitish one is still pretty white so I'm guessing it will darken.

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