First update in I can't remember how long! (with pics and a video)


8 Years
Jul 6, 2011
Upstate South Carolina
I hadn't realized until yesterday that I hadn't posted on here in FOREVER it seems, so thought I'd kinda update the last month or so:

Here's our coop completed
except for the final rock and cement pavers we'll add for more security (and decoration) around the wire skirting of the pen and coop. The 'babies' were ready (at just over 2 weeks old) to move out of their brooder in the laundry room before all the 'details' were complete. I don't think they minded that!

Here are the babies in their new coop for the first time. They were cautious for about 5 minutes and then were chirping and trilling happily in all that extra space that they had! They used the ladder thingy as their floor roost!

A couple weeks later they had figured out how to get to the high ones underneath the roof!!!
The two at the bottom of the pic are dilly-dallying on the poopboard waiting for a space to open up on the top roost. One more is running laps down on the floor of the coop!

Here they are venturing out of the coop for the first time into the big (and a little too scarey) world! It took them well over a week to get all the way to the bottom of the ramp!

And THIS week, at 8 1/2 weeks old, they have finally ventured out onto their 'playground' in the pen!

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alli if I bribe you with a bunch of assorted colored keets... will you come build me a coop and run just like that???
Totally cool coop. I keep saying I'm going to paint mine, but I never get around to it. I'm inspired!!!
Thanks! I'm such a procrastinator that it probably wouldn't be painted yet either if I hadn't painted each piece before it was hammered or screwed in place! Turns out that it was actually easier to do it that way.....glad I saw that suggestion on someone else's coop building page!
alli if I bribe you with a bunch of assorted colored keets... will you come build me a coop and run just like that???
I have learned SO much information about guineas from you
on here, Peeps, that I'd do that in a heartbeat IFFFF we didn't happen to live on opposite coasts of the US! That 'commute' would be a 'killer'. LOL
Wait - - they're THAT big at 8 weeks? Mine are only two weeks old and they're less than half the size of your 8 week guineas! Gotta get started on the second coop! Forget painting the first one! There's no TIME. It's nice to see guineas so spoiled.

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