fish disease

I would venture to say dropsy or bloat...

The round ones like Pearlscales and Orandas are bred to look like they swallowed beach balls.
I rather like the streamlined look of Shubunkins instead.

Sorry you lost your fish. This time last year I had a bad die off...I lost everyone in one tank: my bichir, my goldfish, my frog and my turtle in her own tank...pfft. I was really bummed.
That's strange that it stayed alive for so long!

I was at the petshop looking to buy some fancy guppies and they had these goldfish they called "ping pong goldfish". These sure did look like ping pong balls! Poor things, couldn't even swim! They were like rounds balls just floating in the tank LOL. I can't understand why anyone would want something like that! I would constantly feel sorry for the fish:p

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