Fish food for ducks?


6 Years
Mar 16, 2018
Rochester NY
Hello friends,
So, I'm trying to find something my muscovy likes to eat. Tried a different duck chow and she wasnt fan. I was reading how they like fish and on my way home i was thinking fish food has all the good stuff the ducks need already. It has wheat and corn, brewers yeast, niacin, fish oil, dried spinach...and so on. Turns out they like it. A neat little treat:drool
I got three ducklings that devour anything I put in the water in .01 seconds. I have put dried meal worms while they were swimming. Gone before I could blink. I can't even imagine how much fish flakes I would have to
Right!?:) I wanted a treat for them and my muscovy just isnt a fan of the duck food. I'm trying to get her to warm up to me. She's used to finding her own food. I was going for something similar to what she might find on the river bank. She wants out of the pen very badly she watches the gate waiting for me to make a mistake. I think even after a week she wont go back in for me. It's just a feeling. I hope I'm wrong.​
Right!?:) I wanted a treat for them and my muscovy just isnt a fan of the duck food. I'm trying to get her to warm up to me. She's used to finding her own food. I was going for something similar to what she might find on the river bank. She wants out of the pen very badly she watches the gate waiting for me to make a mistake. I think even after a week she wont go back in for me. It's just a feeling. I hope I'm wrong.​

How old? Can you clip a wing so she can't fly?

I just put cilantro in the tub(they go swimming every night before bed)with mine. They gobbled it up. I give them all a small treat every day.

Someone posted about putting minnows in the pool with them and they will eat them. That might be a high vales treat?
Yikes, i imagine so. Mealworms are pricey. Over the winter I bought peanuts no shell no salt bird food peanuts. $9 for a small bag. I read it takes them a while to digest them. That its great protein and will keep them warm. Unfortunately my ducks were like yeah that's not food lady. So the river ducks and blue jays got spoiled for sure this winter. My ducks love apples but the river won't eat it. Strange. I was told to give my wounded female cat food the protein in it is good for her. I didn't think she would eat it but she did. She's overmated with due to my uneven ratio. Currently keeping her separate most of the time. Im acclimating a new female in which is very stressful in an already stressful time. Hoping things will get better soon.
She is around a year old same as my ducks. Her wings appear to be clipped already. The lady I got her from said she can fly but only about two feet off the ground. So like my ducks. They can fly some. I didnt clip my ducks wings. I think the regular access to food they are heavier and that makes it hard. I could be wrong.

If you catch the minnows yourself that would be cool! I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard..i dig up worms for my ducks and get a handful and toss them to them. When they run its kinda funny. I adore them.
I actually looked at fish food in the shop recently, but gave it a pass because it was too expensive. Seems like a good treat! Maybe I'll buy one after all.

My Muscovies are super picky as well, the only thing they eat are chicken crumble... They do like sunflower seeds, and can gobble some chopped lettuce when in the mood. Especially if it's in the water.
I will try some sunflower seeds:)
She did finally eat some multi flock crumble I bought her. Yesterday she ate some corn. Yes very picky eater.

I put just a little fish food in the water. I'm assuming ill be able to stretch it. Five bucks for a can and if I give it to her as treat it should last a while...i wanted something to alternate with the mealworms.

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