Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

My Pleco died! Do I have to many fish? Yesterday, he was at the surface, I swear he was alive though.
he Wasn't against the glass, just like against the air bubble. Today he was floating head down and tail bent at weird angle. What could of happened? I got those guppies last month. He almost died from ich last year, could he have been weak? But I would have noticed ich had those guppies weren't from a pet store.

ETA: Also, we got him when he was maybe a inch is two big. We have had him for several years. He is maybe 7 inches now.
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My Pleco died! Do I have to many fish? Yesterday, he was at the surface, I swear he was alive though. he Wasn't against the glass, just like against the air bubble. Today he was floating head down and tail bent at weird angle. What could of happened? I got those guppies last month. He almost died from ich last year, could he have been weak? But I would have noticed ich had those guppies weren't from a pet store.

ETA: Also, we got him when he was maybe a inch is two big. We have had him for several years. He is maybe 7 inches now.

Sounds like you had a common pleco - and for a common pleco a 12 gallon tank (from your post a few posts back) is entirely too small. Whether or not that was a direct cause of his death in this situation is really impossible to determine, but at the very least it was likely to have been a contributing factor. A 12 gallon tank is really not suitable for much of a population - what is currently in the tank (number and species) total? It may be that you will need to make some changes for the health of your remaining fish moving forward.
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 Sounds like you had a common pleco - and for a common pleco a 12 gallon tank (from your post a few posts back) is entirely too small.  Whether or not that was a direct cause of his death in this situation is really impossible to determine, but at the very least it was likely to have been a contributing factor.  A 12 gallon tank is really not suitable for much of a population - what is currently in the tank (number and species) total?  It may be that you will need to make some changes for the health of your remaining fish moving forward.

We were going to give him to a friend this weekend, it was so close :(. I have 2 mollies, 2 sword tails, a beta and 7 guppies with 5 fry I can see. I cleaned the tank last week, did I put the filter packets in wrong?
Yay! Aquariums! :D everyone's aquariums, ponds and tanks are absolutely gorgeous!

Here's my fishes!

Here's one of my 45 corner hex, I have a medley of mollies, two betta fish, plecostamus and zebra danios (though I've been debating on thinning out the mollies for something else)

I'll post more once I'm back from work for the other tanks and some closeups of this one- didn't realize it was so late!
We were going to give him to a friend this weekend, it was so close :(. I have 2 mollies, 2 sword tails, a beta and 7 guppies with 5 fry I can see. I cleaned the tank last week, did I put the filter packets in wrong?

That's a heavily stocked tank without the pleco, taking into account you have a lot of livebearers in there. The challenge you are up against is balancing the beneficial bacteria to the bioload the inhabitants are putting out. When you do your water changes and filter cleaning, my guess is this last time you removed too many of the beneficial bacteria to handle the fish waste. That would cause the nitrogen cycle to go wack-o and harm the fish. I can't be positive, but that's my guess. As far as putting the filter packet in wrong, not likely.
That's a heavily stocked tank without the pleco, taking into account you have a lot of livebearers in there. The challenge you are up against is balancing the beneficial bacteria to the bioload the inhabitants are putting out. When you do your water changes and filter cleaning, my guess is this last time you removed too many of the beneficial bacteria to handle the fish waste. That would cause the nitrogen cycle to go wack-o and harm the fish. I can't be positive, but that's my guess. As far as putting the filter packet in wrong, not likely.

Oh okay, I will give my guppies away thank you
Yay! Aquariums! :D everyone's aquariums, ponds and tanks are absolutely gorgeous!

Here's my fishes!

Here's one of my 45 corner hex, I have a medley of mollies, two betta fish, plecostamus and zebra danios (though I've been debating on thinning out the mollies for something else)

I'll post more once I'm back from work for the other tanks and some closeups of this one- didn't realize it was so late!

Haha- quoting myself to finish lol!
Haha- quoting myself to finish lol!

And another cuz I goofed...


The last 3 pics were of my 45 hex and some of their happy fishes

Aaand now to my 55 long



I have cichlids in this one. Convicts, Dempsey's, a plecostamus and I keep forgetting the name of the kinda longer stripey ones...

And not sure if it could be counted but we also have one turtle named Mikey lol

That's it for now, later when we've got the pond built I'll have a Lil more to show :3

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