Fisher cat?



6 Years
Jun 14, 2018
Upstate NY... Adirondacks
So, today for the first time I've spotted this animal that looks like a black weasel. It's about the size of a ferret. It keeps coming back and fourth to were my chickens r sun and dust bathing. Is this a fisher cat? How big r they? For reference I live in upstate NY in the Adirondacks. I have been afraid to take my eyes off my flock today because this animal keeps coming back. We have a pond that my chickens have been hanging out near. This weasel looking character keeps diving into this pond until I come out and scare him off. He is much smaller than my chickens
Any pictures?
Is this what it looked like(its a fisher cat):
So, today for the first time I've spotted this animal that looks like a black weasel. It's about the size of a ferret. It keeps coming back and fourth to were my chickens r sun and dust bathing. Is this a fisher cat? How big r they? For reference I live in upstate NY in the Adirondacks. I have been afraid to take my eyes off my flock today because this animal keeps coming back. We have a pond that my chickens have been hanging out near. This weasel looking character keeps diving into this pond until I come out and scare him off. He is much smaller than my chickens
From what I found out, fishers are much bigger than weasels. Based on your location it would not surprise me if it was a mink.

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