Five Week Old Chicks- Such different sizes! Do I have a Cockerel?


May 11, 2015
I have been nervous my Easter Egger is a Roo from day one? Any opinions? Thank you!!

Easter Egger ~ Natalie:

Wyandotte Blue Laced Red ~ Kiwi

Marans Black Copper ~ Penguin

Cream Legbar ~ Winnie Cooper
they all look like pullet to me
Thanks! I hope you are right! This is my first time with chickens. I have been nervous about the Easter Egger from day one because she is a lot bigger and has a lot of personality, but hopefully she is just a bold female! It is hard to tell differences when you have so many different types.
I have had the same thing with one of my silver laced wyandotte chicks who are about the same ages as yours! Really hoping for a bold female!
They all look like girls except for the BLRW MIGHT be a boy. But right now I am going with girl!!

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