Fix for these feet?


15 Years
Jul 17, 2008
DC Region
Absynth I thought was a bit splay legged when I got her yesterday today at weigh in I got a good look. It's her feet, they are both like the one in the photo. Is there anything I can do?



If any of the toes are actually folded under, you can splint that, but there's nothing you can do for the curved toes. I have one with feet like that that gets along fine, he came with a buddy that was the same (humidity fluctuation during hatch) and had to be culled- give it time. As long as they are eating and drinking okay I let them grow and then evaluate how they get along as they get older.
He or she is getting around and eating so I'm in no hurry. I'll have Laura hold her and see if any are actually folded or not. She can hang out, I'll watch her weight. She's not actually the smallest of them so she must be doing something right.
I have an EE cross pullet who hatched with feet much like your little guy's. The toes were crooked and contracted, her legs were weak and contracted, and she couldn't stand up. It wasn't spraddle leg but I did try the bandaid hobble for awhile; it just made her flop onto her side. She could sort of get around on her hocks but fell over a lot and consequently didn't move around much. Every day I debated whether to cull this messed-up little chick but she was keen and never complained so I kept helping her to the food and water many times a day. I also did some movement therapy by gently straightening and moving her legs; perhaps I should have done more of that. Eventually she was able to stand up a little and scootch around. I splinted her feet which helped a lot for awhile - they looked almost normal for a couple of weeks - but then her toes curled with a vengeance. Today she's 18 weeks old, with messed up feet and oddly stiff legs. Up until about three weeks ago I had to help her onto the roost at night (she can't jump well so had a hard time getting up) and take her down in the morning, but now she manages just fine on her own. She marches around and can even run (with a funny stifflegged skipping sort of stride). She's incredibly friendly and tame and has become my favorite chicken!
It is the Odd ones that get to us isn't it? I'm going to try vitamins, therapy and splinting and just let her be, she's already getting to food on her own. We'll see how she goes. She was Tequila but she's so messed up I named her Absynth. Which really does mess you up
There are lots of posts on here about this, most of them seemed to say the problem wasn't correctable. I was most worried when I moved mine outside a week ago, they are 4 months old now and spent the winter in the garage. The little guy with the curled toes was not sure about 'walking the plank' to get in and out of the coop- but after a week he's figured it out and seems to be getting stronger with the increased exercise. He gets around pretty much as good as the others now.
Well, I splinted the worst foot and gave her some poly-vi-sol incase it's nutritional. If nothing else it won't hurt. Getting the one toe that was completely curled under the foot to the side may help her out.

I think she's got a good chance.

Thanks to everyone who PM'd and wrote with support.
Those toes are very easy to fix. Make little boots out of moleskin (super sticky thick bandaid, you can find it in your pharmacy) and stick the toes straight. She'll be better in a few days.
I had one that hatched that way, was sure I'd have to cull. After putting her in a cage with small wire squares on the bottom, straightened em right out. She's fine now, couldnt even tell which one had curved toes.

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