Fizzle Cochin Chicks?


7 Years
Jun 16, 2012
Zone 8a
Would really, really, really like one.

Everyone online is either totally sold out for the season, or the minimum order is 25 chicks [I only want 2]

Can someone point me in the right direction.

Willing to pay handsomely ;)
I ordered mine from ideal poultry. I ordered 8. They show to still have some available in red and white. They don't have a min. chick order - but a min of $25. However - they will add male chicks for warmth. I paid extra for insurance as I didn't want additional male chicks. All of mine arrived safely. I did have 1 die after about 2 days, but the rest are doing great. They are about 1 month old now and the cutest things ever!! I especially like the reds.
Aww! I just ended up buy 12 Silkie eggs and I have 2 white cochins coming my more chickens for me or I'm going to be a single mom of chickens! I'm pretty sure my husband is going to divorce me if he comes home and there's 2 dozen chickens in the backyard! LMAO.
I am looking for some frizzle Cochin's also, I only want 2! I live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, anyone have any suggestions? Thanks so much!

Congratulations on your soon to be new arrivals!
Try craigslist to get some other people to go in on a bigger order with you. That's what I did. I only wanted 2 cochins, but the minimum order was 6 so I asked around and found some other people that wanted some too!

You can always hatch a couple! I saw frizzle cochin eggs on ebay last night ;)
I bought a red cochin at a fed store and it grew up into a frizzle cochin we were confuzed at first, and my dad hated it (he dislikes anything with feathered feet or fluffy things,so he hated half of what we bought). He is SUPER soft and pretty,but has an attitude.
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Thanks, it looks like I am going to have to get some eggs, that will be the only way to get a frizzle. I have checked craigslist and I cannot find any in my area.

I really do not want to get eggs because I live in town and we cannot have roosters.... kinda bummed, my chances for a frizzle in my backyard flock are not looking that great.

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