flat worm or tape worm in egg?

It's terribly gross! After finding that in the egg this morning, we gave up on having scrambled eggs and had waffles instead. Now we're not going to be able to eat our eggs for a month after using that wormer! That's awful. I'm thankful for the information y'all have provided. Now I know it's a tape worm. Yucko!!! Thank you all!
It depends what your environment is like...soil conditions, wet/dry etc...
I worm quarterly. The soil here is warm and moist most of the time, condusive for worms. If you live in a cold, dry or mountainous area....you may only need to worm only once a year. It's up to you when you want to worm.
After finding these worms in the eggs, I've looked online and haven't found any other reference to finding this kind of tape worm in an egg. Has anyone heard of this before? Also, is it a no-no to let chickens drink pond water that has goldfish in it?
After finding these worms in the eggs, I've looked online and haven't found any other reference to finding this kind of tape worm in an egg. Has anyone heard of this before? Also, is it a no-no to let chickens drink pond water that has goldfish in it?
I know this is belated but I was just googling worms in eggs today because I wanted to find out if this was true and figured I'd answer this so others who may google and find this will know.

I would put out fresh water for them daily or every other day. Don't let them drink pond water period fish or not. They can get worms from unclean water.
Got my first day-old chicks 8 months ago (four of them). Have been enjoying their eggs for about 3 months or so. Today I cracked one open and found this!
I think it looks like a tapeworm. I will take it down to my local chicken backyard farm store tomorrow and inquire of the owner. We live in a moist, temperate climate and I have never wormed my chickens. I didn't know I needed to.

This is the only one I have found. I cracked open about 6 more eggs after this one and didn't see any more. We ate 7 fine eggs this morning for breakfast. Are the rest of my eggs edible? I just sent 2 dozen home with my dad. Do I tell him? What are the chances there are more? From what I can tell this is very rare. I am totally grossed out! Any advice is welcome!

Thanks, dawg! I am so relieved! I have never seen a chalaza this big or firm. Do you have any idea what causes it? Or is it just one of those freak things? I give our eggs away to friends all the time. I would be horrified if one of my friends ever got one like this.

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