Flea Market & Chicken Swap May 29, 2010 9am-2pm

yep she is 2 weeks old, well a little less, but yes, i will hold her for you, let me know who you are and she will be there.

my name is ben

hi, did you end going?
Great swap today, thank you house of rock a doodle, Happy anniversery.
Great Swap Bethann
We Were Only There A Short Time But Great Job We Will Come To The Next One
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OK, can someone out there answer this for me...I picked up a nice hutch at the swap shop at our dump today and I want to clean and disinfect it before I put my rabbit in it. What can I safly use...dilute bleach and water spayed on then hosed off? Should I treat it with sevin spray fo any wood mites or ticks? I have allways kept my bunnies inside, but I want to put her in thsi hutch cause it is such a nice one. Looks like a weathered cottage! Sorry to go off topic here on this!
Yes,I sprayed the freebie we got last year from craigslist with diluted bleach then when it dried I sprayed it with Sevin and when that dried Jess moved the buns in...
I agree Great swap Bethann.....................It was great seeing you and your family James...hope to see you again.
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Yes,I sprayed the freebie we got last year from craigslist with diluted bleach then when it dried I sprayed it with Sevin and when that dried Jess moved the buns in...

OK, thats what I figured would be the best way to go. Plus leave it in the sun to dry out too.
Yes,I sprayed the freebie we got last year from craigslist with diluted bleach then when it dried I sprayed it with Sevin and when that dried Jess moved the buns in...

OK, thats what I figured would be the best way to go. Plus leave it in the sun to dry out too.

BethAnn...awesome Job! You really had an excellent turn out. There was a lot of people there! Good talking to everyone. Shay thank you for my hatching eggs I am hoping this hatch goes better than my last and maybe I will get some OEGB!! Can't wait.

BethAnn I hope you do another one soon! Thank you:)

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