Flies everywhere! (except for the coop)


8 Years
Jun 1, 2011
Anyone have any ideas on how to deal with the flies? My girls free range during large parts of the day which has attracted a TON of flies. It's not as easy as throwing down some DE, since the poop is scattered across our backyard and the flies are just going everywhere. Oddly enough, they are not in the coop at all even though there is poop in there. It's getting so bad that the flies are coming into the house anytime the door opens to go out. Help please!
Are they just house flies? Try a bug zapper or a sticky fly trap. Is the inside of the coop darker then the outside? Most flies are only active in the bright day light and avoid the dark areas.
I had the same issue and was hanging sticky traps and dumping DE/CLAY on the fly swarmed poo.That helped a bit. After a few weeks I decided to move the chickens to my far backyard,so I don't have to deal with the flies.You could try some fly predators for next year.
You know I had the same problem for the last couple of weeks, and was pulling out my hair over the issue. Sure my cats were enjoying the new flying interactive toys buzzing around the house, but I was not amused! (well ok a little at first).

I just marched to the local Wal-Mart, bought a small box of cheap fly-paper rolls, and strung up a couple near my coop, and on a tree in the middle of my yard. Viola, I am now fly-free! I felt really dumb not to think of something that my grandparents were probably using successfully back in the day. I'm too much of a nerd and was looking for something high-tech or new-fangled.

It even helped with the flies that were mobbing my plumb and apple trees! The only drawback is that I think the packages are specifically designed to stick to you when you try to hang them. And no, dish-soap won't save you
**envisioning Pele fly-papered to a tree calling out "hello!?. Anybody?!? HELLO???"

It's like you were there! I didn't quite get stuck to the tree, but um.... there's a slight possibility that I tried my first roll on a windy day and ended up with it stuck all down my arm and to my shirt.

I had to walk with pretend dignity through the house with my arm taped to my side until I could struggle out of my tee-shirt and get free. My DH was in stitches laughing at me. I had to use Goof Off on my arm, and scrap the teeshirt. I'm glad it wasn't on camera.
Thanks for the help everyone! I bought a fly trap today and hung it up, but I might buy some tape too; although you are not making the fly tape sound like such a good idea. lol Knowing me, I would also have fly tape everywhere.
They are just so horrid I can't imagine 1 measly fly trap doing it.
You're very welcome! And even if you do get yourself stuck, at least you'll know you aren't alone. Maybe I should start a support group...

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