Another update just to see if any can confirm...
all the eggs seem fine... is it normal for a fertile egg to set itself into position when you place it down? They all roll into the same position (assuming all the weight is to that side..

But one.. (not sure if this is good or bad) when i turn it it rolls back over to it's other side..could this be because it is stuck to the shell, and should i worry about it? I could put it at the side of the incubator to stop it rolling, but not sure why it is doing it..
I think your best bet is to leave the eggs alone and just wait to see if they hatch. I've tried candling and I've done the float test, but the best indicator of fertility is when a chick hatches out. :D

Nothing bad will happen if you leave non-fertilized eggs in the incubator with fertilized eggs.
Hoping you're right...i'm just so impatient to know it's a shame i can't xray them! ^_^

I wanted to hatch some of out Silkie eggs, but i can't until these guys hatch, so if they don't i'll be a bit annoyed haha.

One seems to have started to leak...but then stopped and sealed itself shut...so should i leave it or remove it and call it a bad one? lol Don't think it's going to do it again though...so i might leave it and home it doesn't affect the rest.

Never tried Silkies myself... usually leave that to the hens.
An update...all are fertile and due to hatch from this Saturday...my friend sadly broke too, and this is how i KNEW they were doing things right...poor baby. Sadly a glue fix had no chance for these two, they died pretty fast due to lack or air/oxygen. We have 44 waiting, 10 i may lose since the incubator they were in spiked to 46 degrees while i was in hospital...i have no idea how long they were like that but they were burning hot when i got in and handled them...pretty sure they were fried....still can't work out how it happened.

I left them in the other incubator...just in case of a miracle. So hopefully at least 34 of them will hatch healthy this weekend.

Just thought you'd like to know how things are going ^_^
Thanks for the update. I too am very impatient in these lil eggs. I had a test run of eggs to see if the female was giving fertile eggs, out of 4 eggs in my first batch. One of the 4 did not develop so the other 3 are due to hatch saturday as well. I candled them and saw growing and movement till they grew too big and got too dark to see. Now that I cant see its killing me. 2 more days. Keep us posted!
My experience with this test was as a kid. Every time our hen went broody after a little while my dad would have to float test the eggs (to mums complaints) everytime we wouldn't get a single chick. So either the roo was sterile or mum was right and the floating them wrecked them some how.

Normal Rotten eggs float due to the gas they produce, so guess if not fertile they would eventually start to go rotten and so produce gas thus my guess (and thats all it is) would be non fertile float.
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All mine where float tested, and i wake this morning to find two gorgeous little quail, the rest we are waiting on, but since these guys are a day early i am not worried!

I am thinking of keeping the cheeky one, (near the glass) he (or she) runs to the glass every time i walk over to peek. I just did recently and they were both asleep , this guy woke up and ran at me as if to say "Are you here to see me!?"

I felt bad, but i left, but anyway, here they are :)

The darker one i think is the second to hatch, he/she isn't very talkative or interested in me at the moment, he just follows the other around the incubator, you can't really see the darker one but it is there!

Please don't judge the cramped situation, this was only for the hatch and i can't say any harm has been caused...so please....don't judge. I'm leaving them to dry a little, hoping some more hatch and then i'm removing the empty shells and possibly moving the quail..i know they hatch better if left there but yes, the situation could be a problem with so many eggs. (Incubator broke, had no choice but to throw them all in one)

and just to add * on checking the eggs, one of these that have hatched were one of the lot that got hit with a temp of about 45-47 degrees celsius when my incubator packed in. I guess it didn't hurt it huh?
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I cam back home to find four hatched and we have three trying. So fingers crossed more do soon and i will transfer them to the brooder tonight whilst waiting for the rest to hatch :]

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