Flock/Life Journey's 2019

getting a low of -4(c) tonight.. Wish I had your weather right now :th Winter's just begun for us :caf I just placed an order this morning for some chickies, February the 13th i'll be getting 40 cinnamon queen pullets, 20 white leghorns, and 10 broad breasted white turkeys i plan to pasture raise for eating. Will be my first time raising BBs for eating so i'm pretty excited about that~
More exciting news thats a bit off topic is that i've paired up my sow and boar in hopes that they'll do their thing so I can have some piglets this coming April :woot
Wow ... so much to look forward to ... exciting!
Ooo this looks fun! 2018 was not a fun year so it's nice to have a start over. :)

My name is Lily and I'm from Ontario Canada.
I have 44 chickens at the moment and I'm breeding Mille Fleur d'Uccles for more of a hobby thing too. I also have 7 cats, 5 budgies, 3 rabbits, and a fish. (I'm a cat person hehe)
Hi Lily, welcome. I’m Beth, and Im a chickenless chicken lover.
Thank you Krystal, you are beautiful in every way also :hugs

I definitely got chills reading about the sailor boy. Did you see him after she had her baby boy? Or is he him reincarnated. One day if he wants he can do a past life regression with a medium and see into his past life. I plan to do that one day.

Well my ghost stories actually aren't that scary...after my aunt died the lights in the room flickered and the stuff on the sofa next to me fell down. Followed by labored breathing phone calls with no number attached to them. That went on for months.

Then my other aunt passed away a year later...saw her in a dream, it was peaceful.

Year after that my uncle in law died, he would kiss me and Jeff on the cheek when he would say goodbye after visiting him. He did that to me about 2 days after he died. I didn't see him, just felt like an actual kiss on a cheek. I also coulda sworn I saw a shadowy reflection of him in the sliding glass door at his sister's house.

A family friend sees ghosts. She told us of this time she saw a lady's ghost on her bed at Las Vegas. The woman looked wealthy and had lots of jewelry on.

A few years ago I read on here of someone's ghost story with a picture included. It scared me for days. I'm sorry if I scared anyone. :oops:

Love your cat, there's one of mine sitting like that, if I come across the pic I'll post it.

Hope your appointment goes well Kayla.

Oh and yes I wanted to kill him, I pictured myself jabbing a pen in his neck :oops:

He didn't say sorry till the morning then called at lunch and said it again. So I forgive him. But we don't ever forget ofcourse.

He knows not to hug n kiss me for a while. I don't bounce back so easily haha. I feel like if I did then he would piss me off more often because it'd seem like forgiving would be so easy.

Man it's not my fault food tastes good. This is my latest addiction:

not the best pic but I'm too lazy to post one.

Best with milk. Tastebud heaven.

And guess who got them? HE did :mad:

Well at least he said we can look at houses online tonight. He says he'll consider a place where I can have 3 hens. And quail and fish. The farm house he says will go on the back burner for now. At least it isn't completely swiped from our future.

I was gonna hit Post reply but just remembered to quote this,
You go girl! :thumbsup I woulda been the stupid one haha, that's one of the reasons why I shop with DH. I would hate some of his decisions but they tend to be the most realistic and he is good at finding bargains and making negotiations too.

I told my partner what your husband said and his like that was kinda good come back. And I was like ohhhh really? He didnt say anything else lol.

Food is soooo good! I don't eat much bad food but. But the weight just stays the same.

I was so annoyed by the guy fixing my roof lining. Im pretty smart when it comes to legislation and stuff so when I was paying I was so ready to pull out all the knowledge I have. I know who to call, what to say and how to get them investigated so I was so ready for that conversation.

Im usually sooo nice but yesterday I was stressed and sick so I was not taking shit.

Ohhh and no I never seen the sailor boy after he jumped in my friend's lamp.

I have afew ghost stories still but that one makes me chill a bit.
Hi guys :frow The flock free ranged again. I’m now faced with a choice. I can keep only 2 large fowl roosters (or cockerels). I love the 4 I have immensely. Unless I can set up a proper coop for the boys? Like a rooster flock? They were going to go to my uncle, but I’m too attached! Like WAY TOO attached! :th More details on this in a coming post (it’ll take me a second to write it out).

Has anyone had a successful rooster flock? How do you make sure they don't fight?

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