Flock/Life Journey's 2019

Never used sand in my coop before, Do you have a poop board under your roost? I wouldn't sand on the actual floor of the coop but I don't see the problem with putting sand in your run. Your chooks will probably just use the entire run as a dust bath area ;)

At the moment. I have a little coop but just gathering ideas for a big coop build. I was thinking of sand so I can rack the poop up. I could use a poop board under the roost but I want to be able to walk in the roost too.
Wet sand isn't nice to have and will rot out the floor (If wooden) So I would go with poop boards, You could have a walk-in coop with roosts and a poop board high enough so you wont have to bend over or anything to clean them out.. My roosts in my coops are 5ft and 6ft tall and my chooks do just fine flying up onto them for the night~
Wet sand isn't nice to have and will rot out the floor (If wooden) So I would go with poop boards, You could have a walk-in coop with roosts and a poop board high enough so you wont have to bend over or anything to clean them out.. My roosts in my coops are 5ft and 6ft tall and my chooks do just fine flying up onto them for the night~

Do you have a poop board? Can I see photos of yours?
Do you have a poop board? Can I see photos of yours?
Nope~ I use shavings as bedding and mix it up everyday so poop doesn't collect in one spot, So it stays pretty clean for about a month before I have to change the bedding (Note that it keeps more than 60 birds in it at night) I don't have any pictures of it but I can get you some tomorrow :) They're saplings I cut down from a forest, The chickies love them as roosts~
Nope~ I use shavings as bedding and mix it up everyday so poop doesn't collect in one spot, So it stays pretty clean for about a month before I have to change the bedding (Note that it keeps more than 60 birds in it at night) I don't have any pictures of it but I can get you some tomorrow :) They're saplings I cut down from a forest, The chickies love them as roosts~

Sounds great. Id love to see some photos for my ideas. And I will think about using shaving instead. Because then I can use it in my compost when I change it too.
Krystal, I wouldn’t put sand in the run... maybe just in the coop where they sleep... As you know, I have sand in my coop now.. it’s fine for scooping the poop everyday but the sand does get wet some and smells a bit.. from their wet poop... not too bad though. And I’m not sure how that’s gonna be when the temps reach 98F
If you put sand on the floor of the run I think it would get wet and then take forever to dry out. Just try putting wood chips.. or leaves and pine needles.. things like that on the floor of the run.
When we do the expansion I’m going to take pics show you what I thought of for my roosting area... hope my plan is a good one:fl
Krystal, I wouldn’t put sand in the run... maybe just in the coop where they sleep... As you know, I have sand in my coop now.. it’s fine for scooping the poop everyday but the sand does get wet some and smells a bit.. from their wet poop... not too bad though. And I’m not sure how that’s gonna be when the temps reach 98F
If you put sand on the floor of the run I think it would get wet and then take forever to dry out. Just try putting wood chips.. or leaves and pine needles.. things like that on the floor of the run.
When we do the expansion I’m going to take pics show you what I thought of for my roosting area... hope my plan is a good one:fl

I was thinking of shade clothing the run roof. So it wouldn't get too wet and it handly rains here. I just don't want a muddy mess either.

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