Flock/Life Journey's 2019

Photos of “happy feet” my first broody duck this year.
Pics coming soon. Noooo I wouldn’t dream of keeping them with
My chickens! :th And I have a pair. A drake and a hen.
might want to find a hen or 2 to add to your lovely pair then, A single hen will get over-bred by a drake easily.. Not fun to deal with trust me :oops: Especially now with spring right around the corner, All of my drakes are starting to get more "Active" with the days getting longer.
might want to find a hen or 2 to add to your lovely pair then, A single hen will get over-bred by a drake easily.. Not fun to deal with trust me :oops: Especially now with spring right around the corner, All of my drakes are starting to get more "Active" with the days getting longer.
I’ll try to find a few more hens. :)
Pics coming soon. Noooo I wouldn’t dream of keeping them with
My chickens! :th And I have a pair. A drake and a hen.

might want to find a hen or 2 to add to your lovely pair then, A single hen will get over-bred by a drake easily.. Not fun to deal with trust me :oops: Especially now with spring right around the corner, All of my drakes are starting to get more "Active" with the days getting longer.

you can keep 1 drake with 1 duck, just keep an eye on the duck to make sure she isn’t losing too many feathers on the back of her neck / head when the drake grabs her during mating.
It’s when there is more than one drake that over-mating and squabbling can occur.
you can keep 1 drake with 1 duck, just keep an eye on the duck to make sure she isn’t losing too many feathers on the back of her neck / head when the drake grabs her during mating.
It’s when there is more than one drake that over-mating and squabbling can occur.
Never worked for me :idunno Maybe a call duck pair.. It's still nice to have more than just one hen, Especially if she were to lose one of the two. Then you'd have to go through all that trouble to find a new buddy for a lonely duck and introduce new birds together. And because @HuffleClaw 's duck is crested i'd definitely get more hens for the drake to breed with, If he grabs onto the duck's crest too hard he can cause serious damage to her since the "Crest" is really just fatty tissue covering a gap in the skull covered by feathers..
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