Flock/Life Journey's 2019

I would try using spinosad. It lasts longer when not in the sun and is safe for the chooks

Thank you, ill look into that. Each of now three times ive bought something different, so im sure theyre not becoming tolerant of any single one. Part of the problem is cutting grass weekly and another part is two events of flooding rains. The heat shouldve killed them off by now according to the papers i got from the vet so im worried theyre surviving in the shade of the trees near the bayous(one to the north west and one to the south) your recommendation might be exactly what we need.
Are you talking about regular flies that eat poop? Cuz today I went in my shed that is next to the chicken coop to fetch my lawnmower and a swarm of flies came out :confused:... but not regular flies.. these evil creatures would NOT leave me alone and if they were able to sit long enough on my legs they started biting or sucking... whichever was happening!! They looked exactly like regular flies so I have NO IDEA what that was about and where they came from!! And why inside my shed :confused:... I left the doors open and eventually they left... I was checking the gang to see if they were on them but I didn’t see any.. so weird!

Around here we have various different gnat type bugs as well as horse flies and yellow flies. The yellow flies are particularly bitey this year. I can't go outside without one trying to eat me!


Are you talking about regular flies that eat poop? Cuz today I went in my shed that is next to the chicken coop to fetch my lawnmower and a swarm of flies came out :confused:... but not regular flies.. these evil creatures would NOT leave me alone and if they were able to sit long enough on my legs they started biting or sucking... whichever was happening!! They looked exactly like regular flies so I have NO IDEA what that was about and where they came from!! And why inside my shed :confused:... I left the doors open and eventually they left... I was checking the gang to see if they were on them but I didn’t see any.. so weird!

Just regular flies and horse flies. Evil things bite hard! But there's enough of them brought in by all the rain and crazy weather that I'm just trying to give my girls some relief...
The kiddos finally named the babies! They're getting so big!!
Flappy (sits and flaps all the time!) *might be roo?
Penny (penguin)
Bib(has a small white bib under chin)
Cleo (cleopatra due to cool eyeliner)
Theo (she looks like theadore from alvin and chipmunks)

Thank you, ill look into that. Each of now three times ive bought something different, so im sure theyre not becoming tolerant of any single one. Part of the problem is cutting grass weekly and another part is two events of flooding rains. The heat shouldve killed them off by now according to the papers i got from the vet so im worried theyre surviving in the shade of the trees near the bayous(one to the north west and one to the south) your recommendation might be exactly what we need.
We have black gnats here that will die in the heat. It has to get over 100F for three days in a row

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