Flock/Life Journey's 2019

Mareks is everywhere and the vaccine is designed to lower the percentage in a flock that gets the secondary mareks cancer. That starts at about age 2. If the report did not find tumors, I would not worry too much about mareks. From what I have seen, the more lethal strain of mareks involves chicks dying during the initial infection.

Make sure new flock members are vaccinated. If ordering from a hatchery, it is an add on per chick.

Mine were supposed to be vaccinated. I did lose a chick this year at just two weeks, and they were integrated from the start, since I got them for my broody. Her symptoms were very Marek’s-like, I just was not aware they could get it so young (UC Davis vet working my hen’s case confirmed it can.) But, yeah, since mine are supposed to be vaccinated, I’m a little less freaked out.
WhoDat- aw you’re rehoming Vinny...sniff. Well I just know that’s going to be me one day when I can finally move to an acreage and have roos but of course there’s the possible issue of them fighting so I’ll have to make a pen for them or rehome them So yeah I totally understand why you would want to. :hugs

Michelle, that is sweet, thanks for thinking of me! My name is Kim :D Sorry about your hen, glad you found out what happened to her though. :hugs

Looks like I’m going to have a busy week. Fleur my guppy fish is showing signs of being in labor. She barely ate anything today and is hiding near the orange plant. She might have the fry (baby fish) tomorrow. :fl

We also have someone checking the oven because it causes the fire alarm to go off every time we use it. Our car is making noise so DH is bringing it to the shop Tuesday, we are contacting daycares so we hope to visit at least one this week and this weekend we will probably make a trip to the feed store to buy shavings for my button quail.
Busy, busy! I hope all goes well!
Mine were supposed to be vaccinated. I did lose a chick this year at just two weeks, and they were integrated from the start, since I got them for my broody. Her symptoms were very Marek’s-like, I just was not aware they could get it so young (UC Davis vet working my hen’s case confirmed it can.) But, yeah, since mine are supposed to be vaccinated, I’m a little less freaked out.
I had one with mareks cancer 6 years ago and have not had a problem since. The necropsy report from UCD was quite dire which I promptly ignored.

I have never had a case of active initial mareks. They seem to do fine with it here
I had one with mareks cancer 6 years ago and have not had a problem since. The necropsy report from UCD was quite dire which I promptly ignored.

I have never had a case of active initial mareks. They seem to do fine with it here
That is very encouraging! Interesting about the report. I’m a relative newb (almost 3 1/2 years in, no roosters, all hatchery chicks, 14 birds total with three losses), so I was very humbled and devastated by the preliminary reports. I feel better now, so thank you! Why UCD? Are you in California?
That is very encouraging! Interesting about the report. I’m a relative newb (almost 3 1/2 years in, no roosters, all hatchery chicks, 14 birds total with three losses), so I was very humbled and devastated by the preliminary reports. I feel better now, so thank you! Why UCD? Are you in California?
I work on the UCD Campus for the English Department
WhoDat- aw you’re rehoming Vinny...sniff. Well I just know that’s going to be me one day when I can finally move to an acreage and have roos but of course there’s the possible issue of them fighting so I’ll have to make a pen for them or rehome them So yeah I totally understand why you would want to. :hugs

Michelle, that is sweet, thanks for thinking of me! My name is Kim :D Sorry about your hen, glad you found out what happened to her though. :hugs

Looks like I’m going to have a busy week. Fleur my guppy fish is showing signs of being in labor. She barely ate anything today and is hiding near the orange plant. She might have the fry (baby fish) tomorrow. :fl

We also have someone checking the oven because it causes the fire alarm to go off every time we use it. Our car is making noise so DH is bringing it to the shop Tuesday, we are contacting daycares so we hope to visit at least one this week and this weekend we will probably make a trip to the feed store to buy shavings for my button quail.
Thank you :hugs
Now that I have moved him into his own space I have peace in the flock so I don’t feel so bad about sending him away... but I’d like to find him a home with a long life.. not as table fare ... but I know that is unrealistic... and I don’t really mind that he get eaten.. such is the life of roosters :rolleyes:... but I’m not gonna eat him..
WhoDat- aw you’re rehoming Vinny...sniff. Well I just know that’s going to be me one day when I can finally move to an acreage and have roos but of course there’s the possible issue of them fighting so I’ll have to make a pen for them or rehome them So yeah I totally understand why you would want to. :hugs

Michelle, that is sweet, thanks for thinking of me! My name is Kim :D Sorry about your hen, glad you found out what happened to her though. :hugs

Looks like I’m going to have a busy week. Fleur my guppy fish is showing signs of being in labor. She barely ate anything today and is hiding near the orange plant. She might have the fry (baby fish) tomorrow. :fl

We also have someone checking the oven because it causes the fire alarm to go off every time we use it. Our car is making noise so DH is bringing it to the shop Tuesday, we are contacting daycares so we hope to visit at least one this week and this weekend we will probably make a trip to the feed store to buy shavings for my button quail.

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