Flock/Life Journey's 2019

FlockQueen, it’s a bit past 3 am here but when I saw the pics of Harley I LOL’ed...what a cutie, reminds me of those children’s books with white shaggy dogs.

Myles, sorry to hear/read, I hope her bumblefoot gets better. At first I wrote bigger (being the middle of night although I’m not much sleepy)..we don’t want bigger bumblefoot!

WhoDat, that sounds like a sweet dream, I once had a dream a fellow classmate was in the hospital, we all were freaking out, then they were saying she was just in labor but didn’t know she was pregnant, I forgot what the sex of the baby was or if it was revealed and we lost contact.

Bob, thanks for the birthday wish for my nephew! He will be 3, he actually shares a birthday with my cousin. We might be doing my DS birthday here as well in Jan or Feb.

Krystal, that is sad but sweet that Almond and Hazel wanted Coco to wake up. All sweet that Almond just laid her in a while. And that’s the best news that you felt your baby girl kicking! I got to hold one of my best friend’s two week old baby girl yesterday. I forgot how small they are as newborns :love
We added to our chaos...
Meet Noah!!

Not an LGD... but he is just so sweet and does good with small animals! Which is rare for their breed! We'll still keep an eye on him and as soon as i can build the permanent run ( in new location) then I'll feel a bit better.
FlockQueen, it’s a bit past 3 am here but when I saw the pics of Harley I LOL’ed...what a cutie, reminds me of those children’s books with white shaggy dogs.

Myles, sorry to hear/read, I hope her bumblefoot gets better. At first I wrote bigger (being the middle of night although I’m not much sleepy)..we don’t want bigger bumblefoot!

WhoDat, that sounds like a sweet dream, I once had a dream a fellow classmate was in the hospital, we all were freaking out, then they were saying she was just in labor but didn’t know she was pregnant, I forgot what the sex of the baby was or if it was revealed and we lost contact.

Bob, thanks for the birthday wish for my nephew! He will be 3, he actually shares a birthday with my cousin. We might be doing my DS birthday here as well in Jan or Feb.

Krystal, that is sad but sweet that Almond and Hazel wanted Coco to wake up. All sweet that Almond just laid her in a while. And that’s the best news that you felt your baby girl kicking! I got to hold one of my best friend’s two week old baby girl yesterday. I forgot how small they are as newborns :love

They are sooo tiny. Our Nephew is 8 weeks old now and I still feel like his sooo tiny. His really really cute.
View attachment 1880815
We added to our chaos...
Meet Noah!!

Not an LGD... but he is just so sweet and does good with small animals! Which is rare for their breed! We'll still keep an eye on him and as soon as i can build the permanent run ( in new location) then I'll feel a bit better.
Beautiful! Is he a rescue?

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