Flock raiser feed in the UK??


9 Years
May 26, 2014
Hello, I have 4 hens, 3 of which are old and don't lay often, but I currently have them on layer pellets. I want to switch to flock raiser but I can't find any in the UK. Is it ok to feed them 50/50 grower and layer instead? Would this be more beneficial than just layer?
When they lay they need enough calcium for the egg shells. If they don't lay, they don't. My suggestion is to look for a feed that has the amount of protein you want but a calcium content of around 1%. Layer should have around 4% calcium. You should be able to see the calcium and protein content on the label on the bag. Offer them oyster shell on the side (in the UK called soluble grit). The ones that need it for their egg shells should eat enough, the ones that don't need it should not eat enough top harm themselves.
When they lay they need enough calcium for the egg shells. If they don't lay, they don't. My suggestion is to look for a feed that has the amount of protein you want but a calcium content of around 1%. Layer should have around 4% calcium. You should be able to see the calcium and protein content on the label on the bag. Offer them oyster shell on the side (in the UK called soluble grit). The ones that need it for their egg shells should eat enough, the ones that don't need it should not eat enough top harm themselves.
So is it okay to be using grower for this even though it's for younger birds? I ask because I'm unable to find anything like Purina Flock Raiser here. I'm not really sure how much protein they need but would grower not have too much?
How much protein content does your Layer have? How much protein content does your Grower have? Here in the USA they both usually have between 16% to 18%. Some people use the 18%, some of us use 16%. Some people use a 20% low-calcium feed.

You can get different opinions on here as to how much protein they need. Many people like to feed them a lot of protein, my personal reference is that 16% is plenty. I don't know what percent proteins are available to you.
As a general rule the grower should be fine, and is a fine substitute for "flock raiser." But yes best to check the nutrition panel, rather than go by name of the feed, to ensure it's suitable.

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