Flock Updates

Oct 20, 2017
This thread is mainly for me, like an online journal I can add pictures to easily, but anyone can follow along, or keep/share updates on their flock, too (and yes, it can be any poultry...or any pet, if you wanted).
I want to share what's happening to or with my flock, coop changes, growing up pictures of current young'uns, and add any new additions in here, if I got more. I might but might not update frequently. :D
Yesterday three of the chicks and Slater the turkey poult turned four-weeks old and the two newest babies turned one-week, and the two oldest ones turned five-weeks today, I believe.

I moved Ryan, the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte chick outside half a week early, because I was going to do it yesterday, but yesterday was the coldest day!, and I didn't want to just 'throw him out there.' So I moved him out on one of the warmest days, and that gave him plenty of time to adjust for the dropping temperature (it's supposed to go back up tomorrow, I believe). I'm keeping Slater inside longer, since he's a wimp (and Dr. Fuzzy Pants the silkie, since they aren't cold hardy, and Baldwin the Naked Neck, since he's so exposed in several areas. :lol:)

I got pictures of them all on the day they aged another week, except for Ryan...I got his a day late, since it was cold and raining outside yesterday, so I put his off a little. :) I plan on sharing them soon.
The three (but now two) newest chicks I had mentioned... Tiny is the yellow EE, and Ciaran is the dark Silkie. The picture on the left is them two-days old, and the three could fit in their small food bowl. The picture on the right is them a just-turned one-week old. It shows how Tiny takes up a good lot of the bowl now (but Ciaran can still fit, because I'm constantly seeing them both in their food bowl just eating away).
SOO happy and excited. I have today and tomorrow off as usual, and I requested this whole weekend off and so it's almost like a vacation for me! :celebrate Five days off in a row! :yesss:
I got a lot cleaned today. I cleaned my fish tanks (as I do every Wednesday), and I cleaned my mice cage and the gerbil tank and moved him back to the twenty-gallon since I moved four of the chicks to our big shed with a heating mat (they're in a parrot cage, though), and Slater with the big outside chicks (Georgia, Candy, and Ryan). So happy to have no more chicks inside. I swept my room (still need to mop it, though, and do laundry, wash my rug, thoroughly clean the ferrets cage, etc.). But my room is looking less cluttered finally and actually looks really nice again...I still need to get more things done, but I have certainly started working on that.
Now for pictures!
I'm including one of my ten-gallon aquarium. I gave it a fairly thorough cleaning today like I should've done the first Wednesday of last month. :oops: The reason the water looks so cloudy is because it still needs to settle more. I do work really hard to keep my tank pretty clean, though I often feel like it doesn't 'pay off.'
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And of course, here's mama's boy, pretty dude Slater. He can't stand it when I'm out of his sight, and I had been out of it too long for a while today, so when he saw me again, he followed me to the shed, and even went up the steps and came in, too! :love
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And here's the bird cage before the chicks were placed in it. I think it looks pretty darn nice! :D
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(I did add a couple more things to it, that aren't shown in the picture).

Tomorrow morning, I get paid and plan on doing some grocery and plant/gardening shopping. :D
Went shopping this morning.
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And bought a lot of things (err...edible junk) I shouldn't have. :lol: Mmm; those donuts were good!

Hopefully I can convince my dad to let me drive (I'm still 'learning') him and me back to town so I can get or at least look at fencing. I need to get my garden ready, and make a new chicken pen...and while I have the weekend off, this is just the perfect time to start, ya' know?

Lemme' put up pictures next of how the chicks have been growing.
I'll start with Candy and Georgia (Candy's the dark EE and Georgia is the white chick).
Day I got them (Georgia had very well developing wing feathers, albeit she was a tad smaller than Candy, so I'm estimating their birthday to be on Sunday, two days before):
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Roughly a week old:
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Day before four-weeks (more or less):
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ETA: Like I said, they could have been around a week-old when I got them, for all I know...because I really don't. Perhaps more like 5 or 6 days-old, or even 3 or 4.

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