

Sams Memory Lane
13 Years
Jun 28, 2010
Malone Ny
Been thinking the last few months and I have decided to sell off all unneeded hens and Roosters not nessesary :decided to concentrate on Marans and Cochins:)

Here is the list of all that is for sale..all are healthy no shipping though local only

Lakenvelder Hen
Buff Brahma Hen
Frizzle Hen...Bantom something or another..lol
RIR hen
Production Red hen
New Hampshire Hen
EE Hen

All Hens will Be $15.00 apiece

also have 2 Buff Brahma Roos free to good home....very good calm roos just don't need
also Have chicks for sale
1 Rir
2 White Rocks
2 barred rocks
1 Welsummer

$1.00 each
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