Flocks w/ NO rooster??-- UPDATE


12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
I have struggled with this for 2 months now. I have a beautiful BO rooster who is a year old. He was nice to the girls and avoided us or was nice when he was close (when snacks were involved). Then a few months ago, he started being.. being --what I consider too rough with the girls. They are bald and he is not very 'graceful' when he is mounted--flaps around , falls off, sometimes he just grabs them and literally walks over them and then on to another girl.. There was 12 now, I have 8 girls!!! I have seen him grab them by the neck (not the back of the head) but around the neck and drag two. I have had two girls die of what I thought (and our vet thought)was neck injuries. Today, I SAW him dragging one of my girls out of the coop with his beak around her neck.. So, I put her in a small coop because she was acting funny.. I went to check on her and she was dead! AND one of my Ameraucanas is limping! I chased his fat tail down and put him in the quarantine coop.. HE has got to GO.

What will happen to my girls, the flock, how will it affect them? They do listen for his calls of warnings or treats..

I will miss his crowing, I will miss his beautiful self. I will miss him 'sweet talking' the girls to come see what he has got..

BUT I will not miss his mean ol' self... So, assure me, my girls will be happy, health and content with out him!!!
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They'll be fine. Might even be happier without him if he is mistreating them like this. I have a little flock of 6 girls - no rooster - and they are doing just fine. The head hen keeps them in line, the way a rooster would if he were around, except she doesn't mis-treat them.
Would you miss the monster if it was you?

I'm so sorry he turned out that way, if you were near me I would give you one of my BO roos in replacement. They are all very sweet and kind to their ladies.
Send him to freezer camp; your girls will thank you for it. I just got rid of an absolutely gorgeous Welsummer roo for exactly the same reasons. I miss his beauty, I miss his crow, but when I see how happy the hens are & how they run to greet me & I don't have to be on constant guard when I go inside the run, well, it was worth it.
The final straw was when he ran up & attacked me from behind--he left gouges on my shoulderblades. By the way, my oldest hen immediately assumed the role of flock protector--she warns the others when she spots a hawk flying by or the cat crossing the yard.
Thank you.. for making my decision easier. I have tried everything I could to make my girls safe and happy and I have allowed this to go on too long. I feel so sad that it came to the death of one of them. But I feel like he will never get better..
Right decision.
If you must have a roo, get a new one. He's too rough.
Yep. Get rid of this one, wait a month or two for the feathers to grow back, then get a new, proven to be amazing, roo. There are too many amazing ones to put up with the bad ones.

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