
The Washington, IA airport took in some planes today from airports that are going to be underwater. My parents drove to Washington today to stock up since the water might make it so we can't get out of our rural area and into town. The mail lady told me we may not have mail tomorrow if the weekend driver can't get around the flood waters.
since they drive in a long ways. I understand but I also thought nothing stopped the mail. oh well. I feel just awful for everyone losing property to the flood waters. Around our house the flood will only damage cropland but in town it's gonna get some businesses and homes if it gets as high as they say it is going to get by Monday:( A record breaking flood worse than 1993. The National Guard is helping out in our town and the Gov. of Iowa visited our town also. He called President Bush from our town to ask for help for all the Iowa counties affected by the floods.
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Wow Angie those are some deep waters. I lived on the Mighty Mississip for most of my life and forgot how huge it can look in spring time. One railroad bridge near us (Winona,MN) that is over the river is being weighted down with rail cars (apherently "they" think it will help)

I forgot it being called the Big Muddy till you said that.

I saw a piece on Nightline about a lot of crops being ruined in the midwest because of the floods. It sounds like this fall could be real bad for the prices of corn and such. Huh as if it wasnt bad already.

Thanks for sharing
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I have been watching all of this and praying for everyone, especially the BYCers...stay as dry as possible all and stay safe.
Last night on Nightline it said they were evacuating the Cedar Rapids hospital in Cedar Rapids IA. This morning on the news it said the river has crested and is going down, but may take a week to recede.

Bottom half of Wisconsin is forecasted for rain.
It is pretty scary. I live in Iowa City but up high.

The Iowa river is supposed to crest Tuesday night, that is when it will be really bad, but already many buildings and homes are flooded. I work at the University and they already told all the employees not to come in ALL WEEK unless you perform an essential service. That's crazy, they don't even close for one day when we have a blizzard.

This is going to be really bad. And Cedar Rapids downtown is ruined, I cannot believe the images on TV.

Many times I have seen flood footage on TV of other places, and I feel sad for the people there, but to see that footage and it being a familiar street that you recognize, is very chilling.

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