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Might this oxine help the sneezing chicken above?? It sound like good stuff not natural like I like but maybe good to have around for the bad stuff and deep cleanings. Is it safe for humans to inhale??
Yes actually, if the sneezing is caused by a fungal infection, misting the bird with Oxine solution will help clear it up. Oxine can be used in either activated or inactivated form, most things you read will say do not use the activated form if the birds are in the area, that the inactivated form is the only way it is safe for use around the birds, but I've heard from people who have used it activated with no problems, though I am hesitant to try it. If you search for Oxine you will find lots of info about it.
The chicks introduced to the momma hen are doing fine. She hatched another this morning making a total of six chicks. In about two weeks we will be able to sex them.
here's a few pics:

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The chicks introduced to the momma hen are doing fine. She hatched another this morning making a total of six chicks. In about two weeks we will be able to sex them.
here's a few pics:

they are so cute.. little fuzzballs !! I put some chicks under my broody hen for the first time 2 days ago, I was hovering around like a crazy
person waiting to see if I had to snatch them away, but it was OK. Now I have a dark Brahma looking after 3 black copper marans, i'm sure
she thinks she hatched them.

So.. I want to put this mama back into the main coop now, I have them in very big dog crate with a cat carrier inside for their nest.. I can't fit
the dog crate through the coop door so they would have to have the cat carrier only. Do you keep your broody with the main flock? if you do,
how do you put her and the chicks back with the flock after she has been separated?
Hello fellow Floridians. Am a true Florida Cracker from Brooksville, Hernando County, 34604. Does anybody nearby meet up or sell chicks? Thanks and enjoy our weather!

Once in awhile there is a swap at the Brooksville TSC. A BYC member Mr_fixit_77 is one of the organizers.
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So.. I want to put this mama back into the main coop now, I have them in very big dog crate with a cat carrier inside for their nest.. I can't fit
the dog crate through the coop door so they would have to have the cat carrier only. Do you keep your broody with the main flock? if you do,
how do you put her and the chicks back with the flock after she has been separated?

Actually, I had the same question.
Right now, she and the babies are in their own little pen. It's supposed to be the bachelor dorm for my males I'm keeping and waiting to see which one I want to keep. The needs of the momma outweighed the needs to separate all my 5 month old males, so she got the other little coop.

I want to put her in the main coop with the rest of the hens, but the roosts are in the hen-house, a long ramp walk up to the entrance that the chicks can't make right now. I'm afraid she'd abandon the babies to go up to roosts with her buds after a few days.
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I want to put her in the main coop with the rest of the hens, but the roosts are in the hen-house, a long ramp walk up to the entrance that the chicks can't make right now. I'm afraid she'd abandon the babies to go up to roosts with her buds after a few days.
Hmm i never even thought about that.. Apart from the general concerns about mixing different sizes and chicks is that i have several broodys in the main
coop who insist on sitting on nothing right now. Every day I open up the sides of the coop to make them uncomfortable sitting in the nest boxes but they still sit. I was concerned that one of these might try to steal her babies??

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