I think they're very personable and have been great pets so far. I just think they're a little "lost" at times because of the lack of vision from their crests. Mine only look dark in the picture I think because it was dark outside. And I think I read somewhere that the males will be darker than the females. I don't show. Just pets with the bonus of fresh eggs. These babies came from Cackle Hatchery. They are my first Polish and I just love them!

Well we should keep in touch. I think yours look very nice and we have one silver laced cockerel that I'm not sure if we will want to keep and he is from show blood lines so if you need him and we choose not to keep him I'd give him to you since we live so close. He could help give your blood lines out. We will know more in November.
Well we should keep in touch. I think yours look very nice and we have one silver laced cockerel that I'm not sure if we will want to keep and he is from show blood lines so if you need him and we choose not to keep him I'd give him to you since we live so close. He could help give your blood lines out. We will know more in November.

We should definitely keep in contact. That would be great. Yes, I'm in Melbourne. Actually county zoned but still Melbourne. I just love these little polish. They are just too adorable.
I don't mind them at all :). With careful integration the 3 of them should be happy here. As my own 54 chicks mature I will have plenty to rehome/trade lol. I'm really excited for the ameraucana roos though as I do not have any of those yet :)
totally teasing you! Can't wait to see your flock
totally teasing you! Can't wait to see your flock

No problem at all :)~ I'm loving being a chicken mom! Building the coops by myself is a different story lol. Not easy sometimes with only 2 hands but they're slowly coming together. Almost done with the 3rd coop and then I'll be onto the 4th, 5th and 6th. Will be a little easier as the weather cools so definitely looking forward to that. The babies are finally getting to experience new foods and they're loving it all.... veggies, yogurt, rice, beans etc. It's so funny to watch them go after the fresh food like they do lol. I was sitting out in the run with them the other day after work. Around 7pm they all started running around, carrying on like something was wrong. I started looking around to see if there was something close by or flying over that was scaring them but I didn't see anything. They kept going in and out of the coop, climbing all over me, cheeping away like crazy. That's when I realized..... it was bed time and they knew it. But because I was in there and they wanted to be with me, they didn't know what to do lol. It was so cute. I picked them up one by one, kissed their little heads and tucked them up into the coop for bed. Their cheeping quieted and they snuggled up with each to go to sleep. They really are adorable!!!
No problem at all
~ I'm loving being a chicken mom! Building the coops by myself is a different story lol. Not easy sometimes with only 2 hands but they're slowly coming together. Almost done with the 3rd coop and then I'll be onto the 4th, 5th and 6th. Will be a little easier as the weather cools so definitely looking forward to that. The babies are finally getting to experience new foods and they're loving it all.... veggies, yogurt, rice, beans etc. It's so funny to watch them go after the fresh food like they do lol. I was sitting out in the run with them the other day after work. Around 7pm they all started running around, carrying on like something was wrong. I started looking around to see if there was something close by or flying over that was scaring them but I didn't see anything. They kept going in and out of the coop, climbing all over me, cheeping away like crazy. That's when I realized..... it was bed time and they knew it. But because I was in there and they wanted to be with me, they didn't know what to do lol. It was so cute. I picked them up one by one, kissed their little heads and tucked them up into the coop for bed. Their cheeping quieted and they snuggled up with each to go to sleep. They really are adorable!!!
Let the addiction begin.
We started out with one coop and were only going to have 6 birds. We now have 9 coops and have had as many as around 400 birds. I loose count. DH said I need to downsize
so I have been selling some, but I love them all.

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