Hello I'm Sandra originally from Germany now close to Jacksonville, FL for the last 10 years.
Hubby brought 11 "straight run" chicks home 3 Weeks ago. Now we have 9 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes - Hatched around April 3rd 2014, give & take a few days!!
We never had chickens before, but we own 2 Acres so lots of room. Our 2 Girls, 7 years and almost 4 years already enjoy the chickens and help with cleaning and of course loving on them when ever they can.
We are already thinking of German Girl Names for them :fl , but of course we have no idea what Gender they are at this point. And we can't wait for them to get older so we know, which they would be easier to identify.
This weekend hubby is finally starting to build a mobile coop and I am very excited about this new journey in our lives! I have searched a lot of stuff questions on here already, so I figured I'll join.
I'm already thankful for all the help and answers all you members will provide in the new future for my questions.
Welcome Sandra! We used to live in Jacksonville, but now we're across the panhandle near Crestview. You will love your chickensand your children will learn so many great life lessons! For some great reading check out Bens Hens thread and Ozexpat the diary of a crazy chicken man. Have fun with your flock!!
Hello I'm Sandra originally from Germany now close to Jacksonville, FL for the last 10 years.
Hubby brought 11 "straight run" chicks home 3 Weeks ago. Now we have 9 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes - Hatched around April 3rd 2014, give & take a few days!!
We never had chickens before, but we own 2 Acres so lots of room. Our 2 Girls, 7 years and almost 4 years already enjoy the chickens and help with cleaning and of course loving on them when ever they can.
We are already thinking of German Girl Names for them
, but of course we have no idea what Gender they are at this point. And we can't wait for them to get older so we know, which they would be easier to identify.
This weekend hubby is finally starting to build a mobile coop and I am very excited about this new journey in our lives! I have searched a lot of stuff questions on here already, so I figured I'll join.
I'm already thankful for all the help and answers all you members will provide in the new future for my questions.
Welcome to the Group and BYC. Be prepared, the 11 you have now will more than likely turn into more. I started out just wanting some egg layers and now have close to 100 birds.
Thank you Joannefiddler. I'm very excited for this journey and like I said the girls love them as much as I do already and we all can't wait to find out what Genders hubby has picked!! We also have fallen in love with that breed.

Well Brookheavens, well for now, I hope NOT, those 11 are more than enough work plus they finally need their coop, since one of those 11, I believe, started to crow but it sure sounded very funny :) Now we just need to find out HOW is doing it. It sure will be a fun adventure for the whole family!!
The orps are not selling well and they are so gorgeous, friendly. Fluffy and they lay a ton of eggs i just dont get it. Its good to see someone ask for them

I don't know why either! All the reasons you listed are exactly why I'm looking for them. Good luck with getting yours sold.

And I don't know about the Fellesmere market. Where can I find info?

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