I haven't noticed any issues with using it, but my girls are only 1.5 yrs old, so maybe as they age there could be problems? I don't put it in their food, just in their dustbathing area. I honestly don't know if it was helping or not, b/c we developed an issue with mites/lice. I started using poultry protector about every three months or so, and no more problem. Most people have told me that mites/fleas/etc are just a part of having chickens, and as long as you don't get an infestation you should be fine. I did know that you aren't supposed to breath it in, but never really thought about it with the chickens (which seems a little careless, in retrospect). I will probably do some more research into it before I make a final decision.  I've been using it around my bunny hutches to help with fleas too, and my rabbits have never had any fleas that I have noticed. With the rabbits, they aren't in direct contact, just around the perimeter of the hutch. I do think it helps cut down on the fleas in particular, but obviously don't want to keep using it if it's hurting my animals. 

What exactly IS poultry protector?
In addition to treating the coop, treat a good swath of the area surrounding the coop/run as well. If they don't freerange, use a pyrethrin spray outside the coop. That helps a lot.
My coop/pen will not be finished until about the third week in June.  I wouldn'tI' mind having one or two orpintgons or ameracanas.  I have a barred rock also coming, but not sure how they would all get along.   I'm in Sebring,   several hours away.  My schedule is hectic, but maybe we can work something out.  If you find someone else,, go ahead and move your boys, don't wait on me.  Let me know what you are doing or have in mind.    

How many are you willing to take, they are kind of a family, the barred rock roo and my golden sex link hen live together, and my other two Roos stay with the rest of the hens
I can send you some pictures if you like







I don't want any of them getting slaughtered, the hens are good layers, and at times they will get a little broody for a couple of days, but not much, if you are trying to hatch an egg from them, I would look out, they are known to EAT their eggs and erase the evidence!!
You are just wanting to move the roos? or all of your chickens? or Part of them? The barred rock looks pretty attached to the sex ling hen. :)

Let me know. I might be willing to take them all, and see what happens. I may have to rehome some if they can't get along...Do all yours get along in the same pen? If they have a problem with the other barred rock I am taking, I may just rehome that one. if yours are all accustomed to being together.
You are just wanting to move the roos? or all of your chickens?  or Part of them?  The barred rock looks pretty attached to the sex ling hen.  :)  

Let me know.  I might be willing to take them all, and see what happens.   I may have  to rehome some if they can't get along...Do all yours get along in the same pen?   If they have a problem with the other barred rock I am taking, I may just rehome that one. if yours are all accustomed to being together.  

There are two "families", the barred rock and golden sex link come together, can't split them apart, the barred rock roo does NOT get along with the frizzle, they both like a fight, the barred rock is a little aggressive, but only if you disturb his hen or him, the frizzle just likes to prove he if tuff, he doesn't do harm at all, occasionally he will run up behind you and jump at you. Two out of three roosters get along, the frizzle and silkie like eachother, they stay with 6 hens(two are my neibors and I don't think she wants to give them up) the ones I am getting rid of is my mottled java, dark Cornish, barred rock, and ameracauna. If you would like more info, pm me!

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