How do I get on the Hillsborough county list? Is this a list of breeders only?

Please excuse this silly post. I would delete it, but I don't see a delete button.
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My 8 1/2 week old Cochin bantam cockerel is trying to crow. I can't decide if it's cute or hilarious. Wish u'guys could hear him.
I have young males starting to crow too. I think it is funny to listen to them. The big boys start crowing then they will try.
I have young males starting to crow too. I think it is funny to listen to them. The big boys start crowing then they will try. :lau
it's only frist thing in the morning when he trys to mimic my roo. Other then that he stays purity quite.
I cannot figure out how to add myself to the Florida. Lee county, city Cape Coral

I'm glad you posted this, because when I first looked at it the other day, I neglected to read through and see that you could add yourself.
Your post made me go back and look and I did it. Go to the bottom left of the page and click on edit. Then scroll down to your county and add yourself. Then click save at the bottom right.
If the boys old and young spot us anywhere they will crow. Everyone usually gets some treats in the evenings when I go out to collect the eggs so when they see us out they try to get our attention and crow hoping we will go over and give them some treats, but for the most part they crow mostly just in the mornings.
We live in Sarasota and two years ago had Rhode Island Reds, a Barred Rock, and white silkies. We made a 4'x8'x4' hen house inside a screened run, all covered with roof shingles. Every morning I fed my girls from freshly washed cake pans and gave them treats in the same pans every afternoon. These pans were brought in and washed every night. Due to the problem of having night visitors - opossums, raccoons, fox, feral cats - I was forced to stay diligent. Needless-to-say, we never had bug or maggot problems.

Unfortunately, due to moving to another part of Sarasota, and taking care of an ailing relative, we had to give our girls to a local farmer.

We are now settled and ready for a new family of chickens but don't want to purchase again from the farm twenty miles south, so we need to know from all you folks where to purchase silkies and seramas.


Do you get up to the Tampa area at all? I have Seramas and Silkies and could meet up with you.

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