CMOM! Moss! Perfect! My place is covered in oaks and moss! I don't know why I didn't think of it! I'm in Chiefland! Moss is easy to come by! I've read about microwaving it for a few seconds to kill bugs when using Spanish moss for flower or crafts… I'll try that! THANKS!!!

I'm in Citrus County, Dunnellon.
Hi everyone i am located in winter garden. I dont really care where youre from but you MUST pick them up yourself. They are free and come with a big bag of chick starter and a bag of pine bedding. Unless you are in my city, i am not going to drag my sick pregnant butt to drop these chicks off to you. Its very nice that people are offering homes, but really, they are going to give you eggs at the end of the day. Tia.
chickinflo - I'm surprised nobody has jumped in to take your chicks.  What kind are they?  Where did they come from?  How old do they have to be before they can move to your parents' back yard?
They came from a seller in kissimmee. Thanks i am also surprised. These babies are only a week old so they have a while to go.
Hmmmm. Maybe it wasn't the poultry dust… maybe it wasn't the smelly (but dry) hay… maybe it was the huge snake and snake poop under the hay that stopped my girls from laying in the nest box! I found it when I was taking the hay out to put the moss in! Nasty snake! A friend came and saved me! :/ have bleached the box… will let it dry and will put the moss (sprinkled with DE) in the nest box tomorrow. I just can't take the snakes!!! I love my chickens, but am just not tough enough to deal with the snakes!!!
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The snake could very well be the reason she stopped laying in the nest box. The stuff that looks like rope is electrical. I have a power supply with a ground attached to the wire. If anything touches it they will get a good shock. Around a month or two ago a snake got electrocuted when it climbed on the wire. Part of the snake was on the wire while its tail was still on the ground and it got electrocuted. About a week later another snake got electrocuted about a foot away in more of less the same spot.

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Seems like the snake would just crawl under it! I'm glad it met its doom! It looks like you have. A great set up, CMOM. My nest box is like a drive through restaurant for snakes!!!
Central Florida Poultry Breeders Association Show, Inverness, FL.
2015 Citrus Classic
Fall Show October 24th 2015
9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM
Citrus County Fairgrounds
3600 South Florida Ave.
Inverness, Florida
---> MAP
(U.S. Highway 41 South - 1.5 miles south of the intersection of U.S. highways 44 & 41)
Spring Show Catalog --->TBA
Spring Entry Form ---> TBA
Hello everyone!

SEARCHING, like a mad woman, for:


Please let me know if you or anyone you know has Call Ducks still laying for the season! I am VERY interested in eggs to hatch! Thank you!
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