Hello! My names Regan from Clermont, FL. I'm new to BYC. I'm also new to owning Chickens. We are in the early stages of building our coop. So I'll have tons of question regarding the right breed of chickens are best for me, my area, etc. 

I've never been on a forum before so navigating has proven challenging for me. So, please bare with me! Thank you! 

Hi! I'm in Montverde. Let me know if you have any questions... Enjoy your chickens, what kind are you getting?
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So I ended up with 2 buff Orpingtons, 2 Australorps, 2 Amerucanas and 2 BLRWs. I'm hoping I get at least 3 hens
from this group.
Anyone in north east do have a 3-4 month old welsummer pullet. I am desperate to find one. I lost one last night that was my daughters favorite and she is going to be devistated. Of course out of my 75 babies it had to be her favorite chicken.

Contact Luann at Eight Acres Farm in Alachua. They have a good website. She might have some...
Hi! I'm in Montverde. Have 28 eggs (Blue/Black Copper Marans, Amerucuanas, Olive Eggers) in the incubator from Eight Acres Farm and a mixed backyard flock. Looking forward to having some new girls... I'll be looking to re-home any cockerels that I hatch....
I like Luanne's Am cockerels ... I have one from her lavender project whom I just slipped six GLW chicks underneath for him to raise (he's a full capon, and a great chick nanny). Her wheaten Ams have a strong tendency to go broody, but I am sure she warned you of that. If you have trouble finding them a place locally, I'll be happy to give them a shot at becoming chick nannies.
I like Luanne's Am cockerels ... I have one from her lavender project whom I just slipped six GLW chicks underneath for him to raise (he's a full capon, and a great chick nanny).  Her wheaten Ams have a strong tendency to go broody, but I am sure she warned you of that.  If you have trouble finding them a place locally, I'll be happy to give them a shot at becoming chick nannies.

Thanks! I'll let you know what I end up with!
So I ended up with 2 buff Orpingtons, 2 Australorps, 2 Amerucanas and 2 BLRWs. I'm hoping I get at least 3 hens
from this group.

Why hoping for so few hens? Are they straight run?

My area has restrictions. I went to get 3 and ended up with 8 but Roos are not allowed so I'm hoping for some hens in this group. I'm attached already and I've only has them 6 hours!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I hear you! I am in the middle of my city too, and have a tiny yard - no rooster allowed. I ordered 6 from Chickensforbackyards and am hoping to get at least four healthy hens out of the six - giving myself a bit of a safety net for possible mis-sexing or chick illness/death. I ordered all pullets. Sadly I have to wait until February to get them! I can't stand it!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I hear you! I am in the middle of my city too, and have a tiny yard - no rooster allowed. I ordered 6 from Chickensforbackyards and am hoping to get at least four healthy hens out of the six - giving myself a bit of a safety net for possible mis-sexing or chick illness/death. I ordered all pullets. Sadly I have to wait until February to get them! I can't stand it!

I only checked One place for purchasing chicks online and you had to buy 20 or 25 before they would ship them and I couldn't do that so I went through craigslist and found a local person.
I just realized I neglected to share a pic in this thread ... bad me! LOL Here is the best cockerel from my October hatch, Bigfoot. If he grows to fit his big clod-hopping feet, I will be very pleased.

He is 13-1/2 weeks old in this pic. I will be sorting the rest of the October hatch, caponizing the rest of the cockerels, and selecting only three pullets to grow out. The rest of the pullets will be available for sale on February 6th (a Saturday) at the Palatka swap in the TSC parking lot (on hwy 19).

My January hatch is now a week old, and still in with the Silkiebators, aka "the dragons!" I tried giving Pollux the Am capon half a dozen babies to raise up last night, but as soon as it was light enough to see outside this morning, I noticed all six had fit under the corner of the tractor and were cheeping-cold and could not figure how to get back. I put them back in with the dragons until we can get that gap sufficiently closed, or they just grow enough to no longer fit.

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