That will work great for a small flock. All of my coops have auto waterers. Good luck and have fun...

How do you keep the water in the pipes from getting hot? I was told that chickens won't drink hot water. I just cant figure out how to get over the sun baking the pipes that bring water to the coop. I thought of burying the pipes, but the water in the pipe that is in the coop will still be hot. There is not enough use to keep the water flowing. Moving water is cooler. We have 19 hens that drink about 2-3 gallons per day.
Injured bird...I had a bird go nuts when I started the mower and flew all over the run. She broke a small piece of her beak (close to nostrils) almost to the point of it falling off. I cleaned her up and put neosporin on it. She's separated from the other 3 and I planned on keeping her separated at least overnight to avoid possible "pecking" damage but it's darkened so much that it's the same color as her beak and she doesn't even look hurt. Any advice on when I should put her back with the flock? I figure tomorrow morning should be safe if it doesn't look bad but this is my first go around with chickens so I welcome all advice.
I also learned a valuable lesson about mowers in my own yard. They never even flinched when my neighbors mowed their yards but now I know they need to be locked in their coop before I attempt it again
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Uh....pretty sure Neosporin has something toxic in it to birds...zinc maybe? Probably better to use a poultry/ livestock wound solution from feed store. ( I use Dr. Naylor's Red Kote?) I could be wrong about the Neosporin, but I swear I remember one of my chicken care books saying it was not good.....? Good luck with her!
Oh no! Never fun to have an injury. Does she still appear to be able to eat and drink with the injury? I would call a vet or my county extensions office and see what they would recommend for a broken beak. I've seen some stuff online where people super glue them back on, but I'm not sure how safe that really is. Hope she gets better soon.

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