poppycock, as long as she can eat, and drink, she should be just fine, as long as the others aren't picking at her. Plain Neosporin without pain relief is fine to use on an injured chicken. Start the mower a bit farther away from the coop, and move in closer. Mine never have gotten totally comfortable with the mower, but over time they've gotten used to it, so they don't freak out. Sorry about Dh's war wound. Probably won't be his last. Their toenails are sharp at that age.
poppycock, as long as she can eat, and drink, she should be just fine, as long as the others aren't picking at her.  Plain Neosporin without pain relief is fine to use on an injured chicken.  Start the mower a bit farther away from the coop, and move in closer.  Mine never have gotten totally comfortable with the mower, but over time they've gotten used to it, so they don't freak out.  Sorry about Dh's war wound.  Probably won't be his last.  Their toenails are sharp at that age.
Thank you. I'm still watching the monitor and they are all sleeping side by side. She should be fine in a couple days. It looked much better than when it first happened.
She's NOT happy being separated from the other girls but I will consider putting her back tomorrow afternoon depending.
If you have a large crate or separate run you can put it next to the main coop and run so they can still mingle but be separated by fencing, that way she gets to be with the others without the threat of them pecking her wound.
So my EE and BR chicks are just 3 weeks so still in the brooder, when i take Casie (EE) outside by herself she's just fine and Little Annie (BR) plays quietly. She doesn't run around but rather sticks very close to me sometimes just hopping back onto my arm or leg. But when I switch them around and hold Little Annie, Casie goes absolutely insane, flapping, squawking, running, the whole nine! She does NOT like being alone for the slightest moment, even if I stand right at the brooder holding Annie just out of wings reach! Annie is an explorer, going full speed, discovering, pecking and watching the skies as she plays in the yard. Last night I stuck my arm in there and was petting Casie's chest with the back of my fingers and Annie came running and kept bending around and over my hand searching for treats LOL!

My brown Sex Links are in a temporary home, a large dog crate, until i finish their new coop. I wasn't able to move the playhouse and coop when we moved and had to start from scratch. We have a grape arbor we are turning into their new home and i jut found out it was built by a drunken loof so it's not even, making the process more difficult and time consuming, though it should be done this week i hate having the girls in the dog crate.. It's large enough to hold them I just hate them not being in a very large area. They can't free range because i don't want them to fly over the fence and the neighbors on both sides have dogs that will attack them. One neighbor's previous dog beheaded my daughter's bunny years ago, and I found their current dog in a fenced off section of my backyard last week! Luckily the neighbors themselves are nice and blocked where he was getting in on their side and i did so on ours as well, they also agreed to have the fence repaired and work on keeping him away from it since he tears it up. I am lucky enough that all the neighbors are excited about my chickens without any egg bribing! and they have all agreed to be mindful with keeping the dogs in check.
Some of the pipes are run under the coops and some are in the coops so they are always shaded. The main supply line running to the coops is under ground. I have a shut off valve at the hydrant that supplies the water to the coops and shut off valves in all of the coops so I can shut off the water to that coop with out shutting off all of the coops. Right now including my chicks I have around 400 birds so that is why they have auto waterers and they drink a lot of water so my circumstances is a little different having so many birds. I also have the incubator full again for my last hatch of the year. In about 2 weeks I'll have more chicks. I love to take pictures and like to look at the pictures other members post. One picture can be worth a thousand words, in my opinion. I have been at this for a lot of years. I had my first flock around 50 years ago.
This was a hatch from last year but my brooder is full again. I just moved some chicks to the chick/grow-out coop.

We are building another new coop.

This is a new coop we are building. It will have a metal roof and siding. I will hold 3 breeding birds (2 females and 1 male). I have a large dog carrier that I sometimes use as a temporary shelter for birds.
I have used EMT but it was covered with an aviary net. I hammered rebar into the ground, then threaded the emt over the rebar. This formed secure legs for the EMT frame. Will you use wire? How will you attach the wire? Finish the coop? I am asking all these questions because I have often thought this would work but didn't know how to take it past the temporary aviary net shelter. As always Cmom great ideas and love reading your posts!
I can't take the credit, it was hubby's idea. I will take pictures as it progresses. It has to happen pretty quickly as the last batch of chicks are due to hatch in just over 2 weeks an I will need the space. I have to move birds out of the chick/grow-out coop into another coop and the birds in the other coop to the new coop. Rotation time.
Hello! I'm not new to BYC or FL but new to this forum. I didn't even know there was a specific forum for each state. lol I raise & sell Gold Laced Brahmas, Blue Birchen Brahmas, Blue Partridge Brahmas, Blue Buff Cochins, Isabel Cuckoo & Crele Orpingtons, & soon will have Buff Laced Brahmas, Tolbunt Polish, Silver Laced Orpingtons & Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. :)

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