This is a new coop we are building. It will have a metal roof and siding. I will hold 3 breeding birds (2 females and 1 male). I have a large dog carrier that I sometimes use as a temporary shelter for birds.
I gave up after she was hurting herself and put her back. No pecking last night or today that I've seen. She's looked great each time I check on her so it's possible they are leaving her alone. I can't see any red other than her normal coloring around her face
I gave up after she was hurting herself and put her back. No pecking last night or today that I've seen. She's looked great each time I check on her so it's possible they are leaving her alone. I can't see any red other than her normal coloring around her face
Years ago I raised Buff Orpingtons. One of the females was being picked on badly by the others. I took her out as she was was looking pretty pitiful. I sprayed Blue-Kote on her and she was blue for awhile but after her molt she was beautiful. I put her in with my Rhode Island Reds and she fit right in even though she was blue.
Hello! I'm not new to BYC or FL but new to this forum. I didn't even know there was a specific forum for each state. lol I raise & sell Gold Laced Brahmas, Blue Birchen Brahmas, Blue Partridge Brahmas, Blue Buff Cochins, Isabel Cuckoo & Crele Orpingtons, & soon will have Buff Laced Brahmas, Tolbunt Polish, Silver Laced Orpingtons & Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. :)

Welcome to the FL thread!
Hello! I'm not new to BYC or FL but new to this forum. I didn't even know there was a specific forum for each state. lol I raise & sell Gold Laced Brahmas, Blue Birchen Brahmas, Blue Partridge Brahmas, Blue Buff Cochins, Isabel Cuckoo & Crele Orpingtons, & soon will have Buff Laced Brahmas, Tolbunt Polish, Silver Laced Orpingtons & Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. :)

Welcome to the Florida thread.
So, at least for my little flock, it took about a week for their chicken emotions to settle down enough to lay eggs again after a scare. I got three eggs yesterday. The usual is 3-4eggs. My strongest layer bounced back a few days ahead of the others.

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