Was just sent a link to this thread. Just got my first 2 ducks and am really interested in the swaps
I believe I have asked this before, or have read the answer somewhere, but I can't find it....so I am asking it again (sorry). My chicks are now about six weeks old. They have been staying out in the coop 24/7 for about a week or two. They are FINALLY learning to get either in the nest box or on the roost at night ( I had to go out every night to put them up). Now I am wondering if it is safe to let them out of the coop to free range like our hen Cluckers. They weren't interested in trying to escape the coop when I let Cluckers out, but now all of a sudden two or more of them almost charge the door when I open it! LOL I have to push Cluckers and the chicks in, so I can get in and block the chicks.....so is it time?

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