Ok, we got 2 locations available,

My place off HWY 200 in Ocala or TriciaHowe's place she is About 20 min. north of Gainesville

just want to pick a place where is going to be convenient for more of us to attend, or if there is another place let me know!!!!

now what date would be good for this?
Nava - no matter where it is I am free every Sat. except May 28 and June 11th so I will be here or where ever with bells on
Oh we probably don't want to interfere with pampered pullets swaps either.... Unless she isn't doing them over the summer.
Coming from over on the coast Nava your place is "closer" for those of us over here. Soccer season is done for the most part now so weekends have freed up.

I have 2 week old EE's now, call ducks (20) in the bator and more EE and other eggs set in the other bator. All due around May 7th. Will be setting around 60 quail also to hatch around May 7-9. Will have extras of some of these I am sure.

Sorry, to interrupt your conversations (LOL) but could someone help me? My dh thinks he needs to see how big they have gotten, what do you think?

I believe I have asked this before, or have read the answer somewhere, but I can't find it....so I am asking it again (sorry). My chicks are now about six weeks old. They have been staying out in the coop 24/7 for about a week or two. They are FINALLY learning to get either in the nest box or on the roost at night ( I had to go out every night to put them up). Now I am wondering if it is safe to let them out of the coop to free range like our hen Cluckers. They weren't interested in trying to escape the coop when I let Cluckers out, but now all of a sudden two or more of them almost charge the door when I open it! LOL I have to push Cluckers and the chicks in, so I can get in and block the chicks.....so is it time?
Patti, are you a Florida girl? It is way warm now, so I don't see why you can't let the babies out. The bigger question is, will the the Cluckers pick on the chicks? If they get along in the coop, they should all be fine in the sunshine. Jus' my opinion - someone else may have a better idea. Caroline
I got mine out!!! and they love it just make sure they have some water and shade cause it is way too hot, I'm not even using a heat lamp any more mine are 7 weeks, I say let them out
Patti, are you a Florida girl? It is way warm now, so I don't see why you can't let the babies out. The bigger question is, will the the Cluckers pick on the chicks? If they get along in the coop, they should all be fine in the sunshine. Jus' my opinion - someone else may have a better idea. Caroline

Yes, I am a Florida girl, I am in Dixie County, North Central FL. Cluckers can be a little mean to them, but they are in the coop together at night, so I would think they would be okay roaming around. Thanks Caroline!
I would let them out of the coop, but I would not let them free range UNLESS you have some way to protect them from hawks, etc. flying down and hauling one of them away. Find a safe covered space that they can run and play in without having the wildlife steal them from you . ...
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I would let them out, supervised to make sure everyone is getting along fine. I would be concerned about flying predators with their sie since hawks will come in on a full grown chicken. Shade and water and overhead protection would be my focus. Our 3 wek old chicks are going outside today in a protected brooder run for them.


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