I hope you fid some meds ! I don't have any or I'd help you out. I am a new chicken mommy too and have lost 3 of my babies, I think to the cold snap and a raccoon. Lesson learned bot heartbreaking. Good luck and I'm praying for you and your chick !
fellow floridians help!!!

i am in desperate need of help! i just lost 3 of my 4 babies to cocci. they were 5 weeks old. i ordered the meds yesterday that speckledhen told me to buy in order to treat my older flock. they are 11 weeks old and i do not see them developing cocci. but i am going to treat them just in case. here is the problem..... its the weekend and the meds will not arrive in time for me to save the life of my last little baby chick. she is a fighter and she is hanging on! she can still move around and peep yet she is sluggish and has slight blood mixed with her poop. i REALLY want to save her life.... i am not sure if she will survive long enough for the meds to arrive. is there anyone locally near me that can possibly help me out with some corid? just enough to hold me over til i get mine in the mail? i could not find a place that sells it locally so i had no choice but to order it. i do not mind paying for the meds nor do i mind driving to meet someone to pick them up. i live on the northern tip of brevard county in mims and am willing to drive! my vehicle is really old and falling apart but i can probably drive about an hours distance to meet anyone.
if anyone out there can help me please PM me so i get the message faster. i will be checking back and forth all day.

i love being a new chicken mommy but there are some things i wish i would have known or done my homework on.... i should have had this med on hand just in case! this is a hard lesson to learn and i do not want my last remaining baby to die. its been breaking my heart and its not fair to this baby. i know she can still make it if i get meds in her quickly.

thank you all for your time and i hope you have a great morning!
You can buy Sulmet at just about any feed store.Sulmet is the same as or similar to the corid you speak of.Being you are in or near Mims there should be plenty of feed stores.There is one right on US1.I am just down the road in Melbourne but I dont have any sulmet.Try tractor supply they are the only ones open today.This is why I use medicated chick feed when I have little ones,it has the medicine already in it.
Christy so sorry about this
Tractor Supply only sells Sulmet for cattle,its tablet form which I would have no idea how to break down and at $65 its too expensive for me to buy.They also sell the powdered corid but again its for cattle weight you would have to know how much the chickens were supposed to get,and do alot of math to break it down to their size.
The feed store near you is Do It Best??? I just called a friend in MIms and he said they are open today,I would call there and see if they carry the Sulmet liquid for chickens.Should be about $15.Good luck,I am sorry I cant be of more help...
Ducks will need their own pen.They can be ranged together but need separate sleeping quarters.Ducks will yuck up the water on their first visit.Its kinda gross for the chickens to have to drink after the ducks.The other thing is the feed.The ducks can bring water in their bills to the feed.If you are using a feeder they will quickly sour and entire feeder.The other thing is the duck manure.Chicken manure in a way is sorta solid,duck manure is anything but.A chicken will scratch and turn their own bedding to a degree,a duck will just cover it...from wall to wall.And for me I raised Muscovy's who would perch and poop on the chickens.Sorry, I know Muscovy are hated here in Florida but they were loved and cherished in Michigan and I bred some really nice colors.Your biggest cost with chickens is the wasted food,your biggest cost with ducks is their bedding.It only takes a few ducks to completely cover an 8x8 in just days.On the bright side they dont waste much food.They dont do well with feeders,its better to serve them in a bowl.
I integrated ducks into my flock after the chickens were a year to two years old, and they are all housed together in a large aviary. I solved the water problem by putting the chicken waterer up in the roost area (NOT under the roost bars), so the chickens can walk up the ramp to it, but the ducks cannot hop up on the ramp to get up there. The ducks have a little filtered pond that they drink from and make as big a mess as they want. The filter has been an issue that is going to drive my BF to the nut house, but it would work just as well to have a large pan of drinking water for the ducks them that you change daily. I am now trying to integrate two more ducks, however it appears that that is not going to work, and they may be for sale at the swap on the 20th.
Here are some of my pics from my chicken swap....I would much rather have come to "ours" but this one was fun too. Just would have been more fun with people that I "know" :)

here is the mom:

Here is her baby that I bought (2 of)

here are the parents of the blue splash-I would like to see more blue, is that something I can breed in? type wise, they need more "roundness" right?
Charleymitchell, hello from West Palm Beach! There's a lot of great information to glean from this site as well as the related sites like http://www.SufficientSelf.com and http://www.TheEasyGarden.com Raising your own groceries is a satisfying hobby, and most folks find that chickens end up being fun to keep. Many BYC members do process their own poultry and consider it superior to that found in the store. You're in for a lot of enjoyment!
Thanks so much!!
You can buy Sulmet at just about any feed store.Sulmet is the same as or similar to the corid you speak of.Being you are in or near Mims there should be plenty of feed stores.There is one right on US1.I am just down the road in Melbourne but I dont have any sulmet.Try tractor supply they are the only ones open today.This is why I use medicated chick feed when I have little ones,it has the medicine already in it.
Christy so sorry about this
Brian at the brevard farm & supply feed store in coca has it on shelves. hours are 9:30 to 6pm m thru friday
we use a medium size Dog Kennel for this, one made to house a Jack Russell , I then altered it by building a small nesting box/house and placed wheels on it allowing us to move it around the yard like a mini tractor we currently have one of our original reds in it has she was injured and is on the mend. She loves when she is pulled across the yard now she stands in the entrance to the nesting area and rides. She will let you know when she is ready to move, then before dark we move her close to one of our other coops so she can see the other chickens.

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