Hi Julie - Im in weeki Wachee -
Im just getting started, trying to figure out the right size coup - 2 or 4 chickens , which are the best chickens for newbie etc...
My husband is not a huge fan of the idea, we have a little over 2 acres so we have the room, but he says they are dirty and noisey, im sure there have to be some quiter cleaner ones out there? I want to make this as successfull as possiable to avoid the 'I told you so's", lol

Any advice would be a great help - Also looking for local hatcherys, because im preety sure id like to start with 8wk old birds not new hatchings.

If you buy older chicks check with the owners and see if they are NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan) which is a national program in which the states have testing agents that will test the birds for various diseases. It is a free service of the states. If a bird does happen to come up positive the whole flock must be destroyed. I have my birds tested yearly. Any new birds I acquire are quarantined for a month before I introduce them to my other birds and I always ask if the previous owners are NPIP..

(USDA) The National Poultry Improvement Plan was established in the early 1930's to provide a cooperative industry, state, and federal program through which new diagnostic technology can be effectively applied to the improvement of poultry and poultry products throughout the country. The development of the NPIP was initiated to eliminate Pullorum Disease caused by Salmonella pullorum which was rampant in poultry and could cause upwards of 80% mortality in baby poultry. The program was later extended and refined to include testing and monitoring for Salmonella typhoid, Salmonella enteritidis, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma synoviae, Mycoplasma meleagridis, and Avian Influenza. In addition, the NPIP currently includes commercial poultry, turkeys, waterfowl, exhibition poultry, backyard poultry, and game birds. The technical and management provisions of the NPIP have been developed jointly by Industry members and State and Federal officials. These criteria have established standards for the evaluation of poultry with respect to freedom from NPIP diseases.
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You shouldn't really have a noise problem with 2 - 4 birds. For a coop you may want to consider a chicken tractor. A chicken tractor can be moved around to give them fresh area and grass. They will destroy the grass in an area very quickly as chicken like to scratch, dig and dust bathe. Here are some sites to check out to give you some ideas.

Hi actualy I
have decided on this as the site
Its in a shaded spot under evergreen oaks

And Im going with this as the COOP and will add a 15X20ft run.

There is alot of follage and what not there so lots of bugs, seeds and leaves to pick around in.

Thanks for the site suggestions
is anyone interested in some silkie/frizzle chicks? I have way too many! I'm near lake city but could meet someone!
Hi Im definetly interested in a silkie but my coop wont be ready for anouther 4 weeks or so, hopefully you'll have some chicks at that time :)
Quote: We started out with 6 chicks several years ago.. We built our first coop with a run. We did move it around with one of our tractors. I like the nest boxes too. We made ours so we could gather the eggs from outside the coop too. Chickens are very addicting. Now my husband is out every day treating the birds. Good luck and have fun...

This is our first coop

Coop #2 was added

Next we added two more coops

DH giving treats to our Pheasants
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A word of warning on those coops. They dont hold up at all here in Florida with the heat and humidity. They are made from cheap thin wood. There have been multiple posts here on BYC about how awful these are and all the money in repairs people have had to make.
Try craigslist for a coop. You can find a good one better built for the same price or cheaper.

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