Thanks! I ask and they don't carry organic feed but they said Purina is going to start an organic one next year! I didn't expect that! Thanks for the tip!
We are on Day 12 of our incubation attempt! I candled this morning and got rid of some duds so I'm left with 10 eggs that are on the way to day 21. I hope I did it right, it's so hard to see anything but the air cell in such a dark egg.

Humidity is at 25, so I guess I'm doing the dry incubation method. It's a reptile incubator, so it's air tight. I am cracking the door a bit, covering half the crack with tape and inserting a tube from an aquarium pump for more oxygen.
The bowls and pails around the room that you see are to raise the room humidity. I even placed the air pump on a pan of water (with a screen) in the hopes the air intake will pick up some moisture.
Wish me luck!
hey y'all,
I'm in lake butler Florida

Welcome Sergio 16.....
Well, that is good he has a home now. By any chance you have a wyandotte rooster you want to sell? I live in Chiefland Florida and I have 2 Silver And 2 Gold lace Wyandottes. BUT not a Rooster. THANKS BETTY
Hey for those who may be unaware, if you want to reply to a specific post on the thread, if you use the "quote" button it will copy that post in your reply. Just makes it easier to follow who you are replying to, esp if there have been many posts since then...not sure if this function works on the mobile app though.


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