if you continue to have the issue and cant catch the coon in a trap, my method of last resort involves a heavy block of wood at least 6"x6" drill a 1 1/2 inch hole a bit over half of the way through the block. Drive 6-8 nails at about a 10-15 degree angle in a circle around the hole you just drilled so the the points face into the hole making about a 1inch circle. Anchor, Bait with a small hard ball (just smaller or equal to the size of the hole) coated with honey or peanut butter and wait for the racket. Go outside 1 shot and it and you are out of your misery.

The idea is to allow the raccoon to reach into the hole for the juicy treat, they grab it and when their paw balls into a fist they cant pull it past the nails without getting jabbed. The WILL NOT let go of the ball. you have them stationary where you can shoot them.
Can you illustrate ?
I just wanted to say hello to all the people that have chicken in Florida. I live in St. John county with my folks and two brother and a ton of animals. Right now we only have a rooster named Dexter, he either a mutt or American Game mix. He wandered onto the property on V-Day last year and never left. Since then I have enjoyed taking care of him and love hearing him during the day. We hope that soon he will be join by a group of girls needed a new home.
I just wanted to say hello to all the people that have chicken in Florida. I live in St. John county with my folks and two brother and a ton of animals. Right now we only have a rooster named Dexter, he either a mutt or American Game mix. He wandered onto the property on V-Day last year and never left. Since then I have enjoyed taking care of him and love hearing him during the day. We hope that soon he will be join by a group of girls needed a new home.

I just wanted to say hello to all the people that have chicken in Florida. I live in St. John county with my folks and two brother and a ton of animals. Right now we only have a rooster named Dexter, he either a mutt or American Game mix. He wandered onto the property on V-Day last year and never left. Since then I have enjoyed taking care of him and love hearing him during the day. We hope that soon he will be join by a group of girls needed a new home.

I am in St. Johns too! Switzerland.

I'm in Hudson, a bit north of Tampa.
Welcome from NE FLorida

Can you illustrate ?

ok i started to build it, then battery on drill ran down, so decided to stop where i was instead of wasting nails and building a trap I dont need right now. but here are the pictures. The hole is not as deep as it should be I illustrated approx. depth with my finger. the nails are not all the way in but would be hammered in with points exposed 1/2-3/4 of an inch. its like the mouth of a minnow trap, a funnel for the animal to reach into but too narrow to come back out. This is NOT a trap to set out in the woods and forget. This is a trap you need to be monitoring, It is a cruel trap to leave them in. we always ran out as soon as the animal starts screeching and hollering and put them down immediately. When you have done what you need to with it, you pull the nails and burn it or put it away for another day your choice, I just prefer not to have one sitting around.
Just to let y'all know, that type of trap is not legal down here. I am a fur trapper in central Fl, and there is no reason for a home made trap like that. A $30 cage trap will fix any raccoon problem you may have.

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