Hello from Davie in South Florida! We are only a couple months into raising chickens and loving every minute so far. We have 1 RIR rooster, 3 Easter Eggers, and 2 Black Sex Links. They were all bought at the same time and we think they're all about 7 weeks old.
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Hello from Davie in South Florida! We are only a couple months into raising chickens and loving every minute so far. We have 1 RIR rooster, 3 Easter Eggers, and 2 Black Sex Links. They were all bought at the same time and we think they're all about 7 weeks old.
Welcome to the chicken addiction... Next step is to become a hatchaholic. I started out with 6 chicks many years ago. I borrowed a styrofoam incubator from a friend and put some barn yard eggs in it. I was hooked so I went out and bought a stryofoam incubator and then another and then another and so on. I finally bought a cabinet incubator then another cabinet. I have since sold one of the cabinets as my hatching was getting out of hand. Enjoying the chickens is such a pleasure. Each bird has their own special personality. Now I have way to many, but love each and every one. My special birds have names. I have a white Leghorn pullet and she like to chatter so I call her Chatty Cathy. When they get older you may want to change the roosts to 2x4's. The dowels are fine when they are younger but I think when their feet get bigger it will be harder for them to grip. Just an observation and suggestion. Enjoy!!!
:frow   :thumbsup   :love Welcome to the chicken addiction... Next step is to become a hatchaholic. I started out with 6 chicks many years ago. I borrowed a styrofoam incubator from a friend and put some barn yard eggs in it. I was hooked so I went out and bought a stryofoam incubator and then another and then another and so on. I finally bought a cabinet incubator then another cabinet. I have since sold one of the cabinets as my hatching was getting out of hand. Enjoying the chickens is such a pleasure. Each bird has their own special personality. Now I have way to many, but love each and every one. My special birds have names. I have a white Leghorn pullet and she like to chatter so I call her Chatty Cathy. When they get older you may want to change the roosts to 2x4's. The dowels are fine when they are younger but I think when their feet get bigger it will be harder for them to grip. Just an observation and suggestion. Enjoy!!!

Thanks for the kind words and suggestion. We would love to get more chickens but are limited by our property. We originally planned to get two hens that were already laying so we could have eggs now, but decided that 6 chickens would be more than enough and just wait a few months for them to start laying. We lucked out that we only ended up with one rooster out of the 6.
Quote: It's such a pleasure to watch them grow and go through their different stages and since you have a male if one of your girls go broody you can always stick a few eggs under her and let her hatch them out and then give the chicks away. In the spring when they start laying that is when most typically go broody. If you have kids it would be a great experience for them. Don't mind me I am just an old lady who enjoys her birds. Every bird I now have on my property hatched here. I do get an excess in males but usually find homes for them and know some people who will take them to sell. I usually grow them out and keep the best. Again Enjoy!!!
Hi everyone. I am new to the site. I live in south florida, martin county to be exact. So excited to be a part of this list and see there is a fl group.

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