Hi, I just saw your reply, LOL. I guess the auction was on a Friday night? I guess we'll try with the next one. Good to know there is one. Do you know how long they've been doing it?
Don't know really. I have only been to a few. Sometimes they have gobs of animals, livestock, cages, etc. and sometimes, hardly anything at all. I am wanting to go to the one everyone calls the Darby Auction in Dade City but haven't been able to yet. Maybe in another weekend or so. It starts around 1 pm and lasts a few hours. Lots of livestock and chickens.
Hello everyone I am Athena Tanner from Port Richey (Pasco Counnty) now have a flock of 8 mixed breeds (Hens for eggs only ...I cant eat something I named :) ). Will be asking LOTS of questions. I could not find the edit button to add myself to the main list. Still identifying what breed I have will post pics when I can or you are welcome to friend me on FB to see photos. Will be building a MUCH bigger walk in coop soon.
Hello everyone I am Athena Tanner from Port Richey (Pasco Counnty) now have a flock of 8 mixed breeds (Hens for eggs only ...I cant eat something I named :) ). Will be asking LOTS of questions. I could not find the edit button to add myself to the main list. Still identifying what breed I have will post pics when I can or you are welcome to friend me on FB to see photos. Will be building a MUCH bigger walk in coop soon.
Athena! I am in Spring Hill, Pasco County, and still relatively new to chicken keeping. I have about 14 breeds with some color variations among them. Meaning, I have 2 buff orpingtons, and 1 black orpington, and several different color Silkies, bearded and non-bearded, and just hatched 9 Easter Eggers that are adorably cute! I also have another 37 eggs in the incubator. Dominiques, Cream Brabanters, Sulmtaler/Cream Legbar mixes, and Silkie mixes (darn those little roos of mine).

Ask all the questions you need to ask. This group is amazing with the info they can provide, and sometimes, they can get little silly-crazy but a great group all in all.
Well I have been identifying my breeds with help of a good camera and a good friend in Nevada that is chicken savvy.

Sookie and Arlene are RIR's we think...they are my originals and tame as puppies (I rescued Sookie over 9 moths ago and she started laying about 2 weeks ago ..nice big brown eggs)...Arlene I purchased and is a bit too young to lay yet..she also has one eye missing but is healthy)
Lafayette is a Barred rock (zebra striped..LOL) and she is taming well.
Ginger we are unsure of so far she is really bright red all over with short crop and bright yellow legs
Tara and Heather are Easter egg er varieties.
Pam and Jessica we are still researching too

Did you pick up on the "true Blood" theme ?...My True Blood Flock...LOL

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