For awhile now member have not been able to add their names to their county list as we have been working on the Florida members page. It is a work in progress and time to time members may not be able to edit it when we are working on it. We have made it available again to be edited. If you do not find your name on the list please re-enter it. We don't think any names have been altered or deleted as we have tried to be very careful. We're sure that many people who go to our members page may not be able to tell that we have been working on it. We have been somewhat alphabetizing the county members lists. This is very time consuming. It is not finished by far and we will continue to work on it.

A bit of added information for the computer code enthusiasts, we are using an HTML editor.
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Hi there, I'm in Miami and new to BYC! I'm looking for a few pullets, anyone know where I can buy them in the Miami area?
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Is there anyone in Florida that sells muscovy ducklings from a clean flock? The post office here made another disaster with our duckling order and so far we only have 6 of 20 alive still and I have no idea if those will even be strong enough. 5 were DOA and the hatchery is sending those as replacements but who knows if they will survive either.

USPS sent them to CALIFORNIA by accident... Instead of overnighting the poor things here...
Micanopy is one of the coolest little towns in Florida, haven't been by in a few years, hope it hasn't been "discovered" yet.

Rip in Ponte Vedra, FL
Is there anything I can do to help my momma duck? She's a Pekin that hatched four ducklings yesterday. Well last night, I believe our Great Pyr puppy, who's never harmed a bird before, took the ducklings from the nest. We found them scattered around the yard this morning. Two were alive and I brought them in and put them under a brooder lamp to warm up. Then I put them back under the momma, and put a excersise pen around the nest she had made in the flowerbed. But I was worried that something might try again, and I've tried to relocate her and the one surviving duckling to a kennel pen with an dog igloo house, bedded for shelter. But momma is beside herself and won't sit with her duckling and has been pacing for hours and quacking to get out. The baby has tried to follow, but ended up just sitting in the center. We really don't want to take the baby and brooder raise it, especially since there is just one. Is there any other ideas to make this work and get momma to settle in her new location with the baby? This duck drama is breaking my heart!
Most often when a mother doesn't accept her chick or duckling, I don't know of a way to get her to accept it. Hopefully someone else in BYC may know better.This is just from my experience. Many times when you relocate them, the mothers loose interest and we have to take over as the care giver.
Hi Fellow Florida Chicks:

We are from Cracker Country, the rural Florida living history museum on the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. We keep a small flock of Barred Plymouth Rocks and Cotton Patch geese, who help us educate our guests and school children about farm animals in rural Florida in the late 1800s.
Hi Fellow Florida Chicks:

We are from Cracker Country, the rural Florida living history museum on the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. We keep a small flock of Barred Plymouth Rocks and Cotton Patch geese, who help us educate our guests and school children about farm animals in rural Florida in the late 1800s.

Welcome to BYC and the Florida thread! Your living history museum is just the kind of thing DH and I always like to visit. If we ever make it to Tampa, we'll look it up.

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