Quote: Wyandotte Blue,

(Silkie "incubators disguised as featherdusters.") I agree. I have never seen a bear in our area but I know from the news that in some areas they are a pest. Here we have possums, coyotes, fox, hawks, owls, bobcats, raccoons. Electric is your friend, dogs too. I don't have any dogs any more and not likely to get another one as it would probably outlive me, (I'm an old retired lady and don't get around like I did in my youth) so for me it's electricity. Once a critter touches the wire it doesn't come back to try again. About 2 months ago about a week apart, two snakes got electrocuted. I have heavy duty resistant netting over all of my pens and nothing has gotten in. The other day I did catch a possum. I had seen the tracks near the coops and put out a live trap and caught it. Crows are our friends. If I get any cracked eggs I usually put them out for the crows. If crows hang around and see a hawk, they will chase the hawk off. Before I put the netting over the top of my pens the crows would patrol for any eggs that might get layed in the pens and would get the egg. Good luck and have fun...
@cmom, that's interesting about the crows. I have heard they will give off warning cries when one is in the area but I didn't know they would actually chase a hawk off. How helpful!
Wyandotte Blue,

(Silkie "incubators disguised as featherdusters.") I agree. I have never seen a bear in our area but I know from the news that in some areas they are a pest. Here we have possums, coyotes, fox, hawks, owls, bobcats, raccoons. Electric is your friend, dogs too. I don't have any dogs any more and not likely to get another one as it would probably outlive me, (I'm an old retired lady and don't get around like I did in my youth) so for me it's electricity. Once a critter touches the wire it doesn't come back to try again. About 2 months ago about a week apart, two snakes got electrocuted. I have heavy duty resistant netting over all of my pens and nothing has gotten in. The other day I did catch a possum. I had seen the tracks near the coops and put out a live trap and caught it. Crows are our friends. If I get any cracked eggs I usually put them out for the crows. If crows hang around and see a hawk, they will chase the hawk off. Before I put the netting over the top of my pens the crows would patrol for any eggs that might get layed in the pens and would get the egg. Good luck and have fun...
I thought my chickens were afraid of the crows. They ran for cover every time they heard one. The crows really raise a ruckus around here. I see very large hawks and owls often. I have all my chickens out all day. I am waiting for disaster but I just don't want to lock them up. I have a dog and now I also know I have the crows.
@cmom, that's interesting about the crows. I have heard they will give off warning cries when one is in the area but I didn't know they would actually chase a hawk off. How helpful!

They do around here. When I hear the crows sometimes really going crazy there is usually a hawk around and they will chase it off. We have had a Red Tail coming around once in awhile and the crows will chase it off.
Having lost most of my original flock to a fox, possum? and even the dog and once a lawn mower...... I have rebooted with my 3 original hens of 12. I now have a egg laying Red Comet, a black bantam with a gold collar, and a white leghorn. I added a 1/2 RIR roo to the mix a few weeks ago (He is about 7 weeks old now) , and added in 5 more yesterday... being as I am not sure on a few and wondered if my Florida friends would help... wanna play guess the breed and maybe help me figure out if my Gold is a roo or not?


Brynda aka FloridaHen .. .Owner of the Beaks and Talons Inn (aka the coop) ...
Being in Florida, is there anything particular you need to do for your chickens in the hot weather other than make certain they have plenty of water and some shade?

Thanks for any advice.
Hi everyone, I am in Middleburg/Orange Park area south of Jacksonville. Is there anyone nearby who has 2 or 3 baby chicks for sale. I have just received a small coop and had a small run setup so I am ready to start raising some laying hens. Thanks..

Hi Linear, did you ever get your chicks and get your flock started? I am in Middleburg off of Hwy 215 and we have decided to start with young hen and a rooster. Coop is in place and gate for the run is almost complete so we hope to buy chickens this weekend. Let me know how you are doing maybe as newbies we can share experiences.


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