Some time back I had a very bad chicken week.... Local Yokel was a great help. I found a pile of feathers in the woods that had been my favorite hen, another hen had a torn crop and had to be put down. A Bielefelder hen's head was a little mangled but she was fine in a couple of days. I thought all of these were random acts but..... I ran into my back neighbor at the dump, hey, if you live in Florida you understand the social aspect of the dump and he said he saw me in my back pasture and waved but I must not have seen him. I explained I was looking for my chicken. He raises quail and he told me about the bobcat. He had trapped a bob cat in a small strip of woods between our properties, right where I found the pile of feathers. I have had no incidents since so I imagine all that havoc was the bobcat.
I hate loosing birds to predators and I have lost quite a few over the years. I Haven't lost a bird to a predator though in a very long time , but my coops and pens are like Fort Knox. The pens are covered with netting which is attached to the coops, concrete under the gates and electric around all of the pens and coops. Hopefully the predator won't be back but often times they do return. I had a bob cat that I had to catch, he killed many of my Pheasants. I did eventually catch him, a fox, possum, and others. I never did catch a coyote that was killing some of my birds but did shoot him with some #4 shot so I didn't kill him but he hasn't killed any more of my birds. I'm pretty sure I hit him. I have seen a coyote around but not too close, it may have been him. Most critters that come if they touch the electrical wire they get a good shock and don't come back to test it out again. There have been times when I have forgotten to turn it off and have touched the wire which made my heart skip a few beats. I only let my birds out to pasture when I'm out and can somewhat watch and keep track of them. Glad your neighbor got the bob cat. Good luck...

Hey everyone , im looking to sell or trade my one serama rooster , if anyone is interested im in the zephyrhills area please pm me


I hope you find a home for him. Many people want females so good luck finding him a home. I don't know where you live but you may be able to find him a new home bby taking him to a poultry show where someone may be looking for a male as a breeder. Good luck...

Central Florida Poultry Breeders Association Show, Inverness, FL.
Orange Blossom Special
Saturday March 5th 2016
9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM
Citrus County Fairgrounds
3600 South Florida Ave.
Inverness, Florida
---> MAP
(U.S. Highway 41 South - 1.5 miles south of the intersection of U.S. highways 44 & 41)
I hope you find a home for him. Many people want females so good luck finding him a home. I don't know where you live but you may be able to find him a new home bby taking him to a poultry show where someone may be looking for a male as a breeder. Good luck...

Central Florida Poultry Breeders Association Show, Inverness, FL.
Orange Blossom Special
[COLOR=FF0000]Saturday March 5th 2016[/COLOR]

9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM

Citrus County Fairgrounds

3600 South Florida Ave.

Inverness, Florida
---> MAP

(U.S. Highway 41 South - 1.5 miles south of the intersection of U.S. highways 44 & 41)

Thanks if not its not a big deal , he runs around the back yard with his other friends , and i would look for a hen to put with them
@ICB42 good for you with the ducklings, they are precious! What kind are they?

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