Cmom I think I might have coccidiosis with my chicks. I have lost so many that it's hard to count. I don't want to give up. I tried corid and that didn't work. I gave it to them for a week. Now I'm giving them medicated feed and I am losing less ,but still loosing. Can I give medicated feed and corid?
I never lost one thank goodness, they were Roos so I had to find another home for them and that wasn't happy times.
I have new pullets that I let outside with the others for about 5 min a day and they have thrived!! They are a week old today and just as cute as can be
I can't wait to get my girls! I'd get them now but we've got a Dachshund tracker that was trained for hunting :/ he's the one I've got to keep them from, the other dog and both cats are super loving to everything, we breed bunnies and our lab mix steals the babies and tries to "foster" them! He wants to be a mommy :lau
that's cute! Just keep an eye out when your other animals are near. My Tibetan spaniel is so loving but she snapped at one of the pullets when it was about 3 weeks old. They don't mess with my big girls anymore but I keep my little ones away until they get bigger.
I didn't have a problem but I gave my chicks sulmet. It is a more broad spectrum.

I'm about to purchase the sulmet,but I didn't understand if I give it with the corid at the same time. I also would like to know how long do I give it to them. Your input would be greatly appreciated.
I'm about to purchase the sulmet,but I didn't understand if I give it with the corid at the same time. I also would like to know how long do I give it to them. Your input would be greatly appreciated.
also do I continue to give the medicated feed with the corid and sulmet.
I really need help here.
My chicks are 3 @ one month (and Big Littles) and 3 @ one week (Itties). All 6 of them are sneezing and the Big Littles have diarrhea. WARNING! Graphic descriptions ahead. Occasionally explosive - very watery and kinda liquid papery looking today.
Each age group has their own brooder but they are in close enough proximity that they shared their cooties. The BLs were fine - until I brought home the Itties on 03Mar. One of the itties sneezed a bit but I thought nothing of it. On 07Mar - a non-sneezing itty got sick (lethargic, diarrhea, lack of appetite) and I isolated her - she had the same poop as the BLs now have. She recovered within two days and seemed fine so I returned her to her Itties. Yesterday I heard a few sneezes and then this morning everyone is sick. Mea culpa.

I went to my local feed store just now to purchase Sulmet - they are out and said they can't get it (or any other sulfa types) or order it. She said no one will have it in store unless they happen to have a 'stockpile'. She suggested I order from Amazxx so I just did. With expedited one-day shipping it will be here on Tuesday. Hope that's soon enough!

Any suggestions on what to do in the meantime? Corid?? The feed store had that but this seems more like a respiratory issue than just cocci, right? Maybe both?

Their brooders are spotless - filled with sand so they are clean and dry. They all have little PVC feeders(so they can't poop in it) filled with medicated chick starter. They have little cup waterers that they peck so that's clean, too. The Itties have issues filling the cup so I peck it for them if it runs low. Everyone is in the garage - it's plenty warm here in Marion Co! Also - the Itties still have their Mama heating pad. The Big Littles stopped using theirs two weeks ago so I took it out to allow them more space. Everyone is still eating/drinking/peeping/dust bathing ands seems fine other than all the sneezing and the Big Littles with their bowel issues....

Hope dolfi has better luck than I did finding the Sulmet!!

I'm about to purchase the sulmet,but I didn't understand if I give it with the corid at the same time. I also would like to know how long do I give it to them. Your input would be greatly appreciated.
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My chicks are 3 @ one month (and Big Littles) and 3 @ one week (Itties). All 6 of them are sneezing and the Big Littles have diarrhea. WARNING! Graphic descriptions ahead. Occasionally explosive - very watery and kinda liquid papery looking today.
Each age group has their own brooder but they are in close enough proximity that they shared their cooties. The BLs were fine - until I brought home the Itties on 03Mar. One of the itties sneezed a bit but I thought nothing of it. On 07Mar - a non-sneezing itty got sick (lethargic, diarrhea, lack of appetite) and I isolated her - she had the same poop as the BLs now have. She recovered within two days and seemed fine so I returned her to her Itties. Yesterday I heard a few sneezes and then this morning everyone is sick. Mea culpa.

I went to my local feed store just now to purchase Sulmet - they are out and said they can't get it (or any other sulfa types) or order it. She said no one will have it in store unless they happen to have a 'stockpile'. She suggested I order from Amazxx so I just did. With expedited one-day shipping it will be here on Tuesday. Hope that's soon enough!

Any suggestions on what to do in the meantime? Corid?? The feed store had that but this seems more like a respiratory issue than just cocci, right? Maybe both?

Their brooders are spotless - filled with sand so they are clean and dry. They all have little PVC feeders(so they can't poop in it) filled with medicated chick starter. They have little cup waterers that they peck so that's clean, too. The Itties have issues filling the cup so I peck it for them if it runs low. Everyone is in the garage - it's plenty warm here in Marion Co! Also - the Itties still have their Mama heating pad. The Big Littles stopped using theirs two weeks ago so I took it out to allow them more space. Everyone is still eating/drinking/peeping/dust bathing ands seems fine other than all the sneezing and the Big Littles with their bowel issues....

Hope dolfi has better luck than I did finding the Sulmet!!

DON"T give the chicks Corid and Sulmet at the same time it is either / or. The company that makes Sulmet sometimes stops making it for awhile, sulfamethazine sodium 12.5% solution is the same thing and you may be able to find it at a feed store. It is used for poultry and livestock. Maybe call them first and ask.
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DON"T give the chicks Corid and Sulmet at the same time it is either / or. The company that makes Sulmet sometimes stops making it for awhile, sulfamethazine sodium 12.5% solution is the same thing and you may be able to find it at a feed store. It is used for poultry and livestock. Maybe call them first and ask.

Thank you for the quick response! I already checked @ feed store(s) and that's why I had to order Sulmet online- I won't receive it until Tues so I was asking if Corid would help until then. Should I just wait - maybe ACV in water and hope for the best until Tues?

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