We lost one of the flock tonight. Our 4 year old son unknowingly to us went out to get his little chick and one of our Buff Orpingtons must have managed to sqeeze out when the gate was opened. She was swiftly mangled by the Jack Russell and my son was screaming, crying, and simply hysterical. I got the dog away but the damage had been done. A broken neck, a large hole in her back, and just the saddest look on her face when I picked up her lifeless body. Our son has officially learned a life lesson in death. He said his tearful love yous, miss yous, and good byes as we had him help us wrap her up and pick a box for her. At least she had a great afternoon getting loved on and hand fed mealworms. Burried her deep in the run so she can still be with her friends. Getting a different lock tommorrow so our son can't get in himself again. R.I.P. Little Red Hot. :hit

I'm so sorry to hear that. Sometimes even the sweetest pets can get curious and do some damage. I pray your son can move on quickly from this. It is a very hard lesson, one we as parents really never want our kids to learn
Thank you. Hes experienced death before with fish, but this was the first time I noticed it sunk in with him. I think he will be alright. May try again with two more new chicks this weekend. I'd rather get just one, but thats a lonely few weeks in the brooder.
We lost one of the flock tonight. Our 4 year old son unknowingly to us went out to get his little chick and one of our Buff Orpingtons must have managed to sqeeze out when the gate was opened. She was swiftly mangled by the Jack Russell and my son was screaming, crying, and simply hysterical. I got the dog away but the damage had been done. A broken neck, a large hole in her back, and just the saddest look on her face when I picked up her lifeless body. Our son has officially learned a life lesson in death. He said his tearful love yous, miss yous, and good byes as we had him help us wrap her up and pick a box for her. At least she had a great afternoon getting loved on and hand fed mealworms. Burried her deep in the run so she can still be with her friends. Getting a different lock tommorrow so our son can't get in himself again. R.I.P. Little Red Hot.

I understand. I am so sorry for your loss. Give your son hugs for us today it was a terrible, terrible thing. Life lessons suck.

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