Bears wouldn't try to eat chickens though right? Aren't they mainly eating vegetation and berries, nuts, the like round here? We have lots of bears in our neck of the woods.

Lol. I have no idea. I was trying to think of an animal who could break through hardware cloth.
Lol. I have no idea. I was trying to think of an animal who could break through hardware cloth.
I read this and googled "bears and chickens" out of curiosity and now...I am 100% certain if we move anywhere where there's even a remote possibility of bears in the area...I'm setting out electric fencing around and over the coop!
Oddly enough, I'm now grateful we only have racoons, hawks and cats to worry about!
gah! I really really want a few more chooks. I've picked out a few different varieties that I'd like but it's SO expensive to just get three that are sexed. Can anyone recommend a local hatchery where I could pick up what I'm looking for instead of having them shipped?
Lol. I have no idea. I was trying to think of an animal who could break through hardware cloth.
Ah, I gotcha. We have a momma round here that runs at the sound of a human voice. She wants nothing to do with humans. A couple males were around for a while but I haven't seen them since the bear hunt. My chooks are in the backyard obviously which is enclosed by a 6 foot privacy fence so my only real concern is raccoons dropping in. And maybe a possom. But neither could fit their hands through the hardware cloth. Guess it would come down to them being strong enough to get the cloth pulled off..... Me thinks some strength testing is in order for tomorrow!
Chica, my avatar EE crowed 8 times this morning. I have to get rid of her- consensus is it's a she. I have to do it today. If anyone in the Jacksonville area wants her. Please let me know I work out a deal.if I don't hear back I will take her to the farm store later this afternoon
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Chica, my avatar EE crowed 8 times this morning. I have to get rid of her- consensus is it's a she. I have to do it today. If anyone in the Jacksonville area wants her. Please let me know I work out a deal.if I don't hear back I will take her to the farm store later this afternoon

I'm actually getting rid of my only other EE two because she'll start crowing once the other ones gone
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I'm actually getting rid of my only other EE two because she'll start crowing once the other ones gone
I have questioned my faith many times but I pray with my kids every meal and I tell them about Jesus. However, there is the what if...
This evening a tree fell in our backyard and crushed our fence and the run part of our coop. One of our EE's was trapped and had a banged up comb but other than that she's fine. Our other girls were never touched. The tree also missed our house by inches and the top missed our neighbors by about 2 feet. Now, I have to say I can't question anymore because we are all safe and there has to be a bigger hand in it. In the picture we have cleared most of it and rescued our EE but tomorrow we have to start again and as upset as I was, knowing it could've been worse makes it much easier to deal with.
Amen! : )

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