Next week I'm heading to Chicago for a week. Well, not a week in Chicago because two days drive there and two days drive back. But, I'll basically be gone a week and that's what bugs me even though I'm really looking forward to the trip.
My OEG bantam crew (Arthur, Eddie, Alice, Anjie, Astra, Star, and the Blart boys-my three extra cockerels I'm waiting to mature before I cull/rehome) has moved into their big tractor juvie pen, which has plenty of room I think; approx 5x15 ground space for the nine of them. They have a no spill 5gal bucket feeder that will hold more than enough feed for them, and a 5 gallon bucket fit with drinking nipples. Food, water, shade, sun, sand, hay, and green grass. They should be fine. BUT I won't be home to let them out for free time every day, and husband won't because they don't really listen to him when it comes to going back into their pen. Weird, I clap my hands and call them and they come. Him not so much, they run under the shrubs and act difficult. Hopefully he will give them at least a daily slice of cold melon, and they will get more used to him.
I'm still going to feel guilty about leaving them. He also won't do their daily BSF treat or hold and pet them. I'm the chicken nut around here, he's just tolerant of the resident chicken nut.

Have them let them out for a while just b4 bedtime and they will go back in themselves when dusk comes and all he has to do is lock up. NO muss or fuss on his part
I never cease to be amused by how different breeds age/mature so differently.
My OEGBs at 9-10 weeks look like little adults. The boys are crowing, beginning to tidbit, and I've even seen one try to mount a pullet. She wasn't having any of it, but he gave it a whirl. The girls make the loveliest whistle-purring sounds. They are certainly a precocious bunch.
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Anyone near Palatka FL going to the auction the next time they have it? I'm thinking of bringing some grow outs. I have LF Cochins, Brahmas, English Orps.
What is this?
how do I fix???
What is this? how do I fix???
IMO this appears to be a simple injury. Perhaps she flew up against some wire, or got her toes stuck and abraded them getting loose. Chickens get themselves into odd situations sometimes.
It doesn't appear to be leg/scale mites, or anything to be overly concerned about.

Anyway, I'd just put some salve on it to promote healing. I keep bag balm around for this type of thing. If any of the other chickens are pecking at it possibly apply some blu-kote to discourage that.
Update us on her condition if you can.
I bought a yellow watermelon the other day. I gave some to the chickens and they ran to it right away. I didn't know it the yellow would scare them or not. When they were done, they looked up at me for some more. That watermelon was so good, cold and sweet! Can the chickens eat the black seeds from the watermelon? I always get the seedless, but the red seeded watermelons are so much bigger than the seedless.

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